Honest, accurate information about sexuality changes lives. It dismantles stereotypes and assumptions, builds self-acceptance and self-esteem, fosters healthy relationships, improves decision making, and has the potential to save lives.
Although developed by two religious organizations, the Unitarian Universalist Association and the United Church of Christ, Our Whole Lives contains no religious references or doctrine. The program helps participants make informed and responsible decisions about their sexual health and behavior, and equips them with accurate, age-appropriate information in six subject areas: human development, relationships, personal skills, sexual behavior, sexual health, and society and culture. Grounded in a holistic, secular view of sexuality, Our Whole Lives provides facts about anatomy and human development, and empowers participants to clarify their values, build interpersonal skills, and understand the spiritual, emotional, and social aspects of human sexuality.
Our Whole Lives is widely taught in the United States in both faith based and non-religious settings, including public, charter, and private schools; after-school programs; youth groups; home schoolers; colleges; correctional facilities; and more. The curricula is based on the Guidelines for Comprehensive Sexuality Education produced by leading health, education, and sexuality professionals assembled by the Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States. For more information about OWL, visit: http://www.uua.org/re/owl/
This program is open to all children and youth of Ventura County, and friends of UUCV youth/children are especially encouraged to participate. Each participant must commit to attend all the classes, except for cases of illness or emergency. Parents are required to attend the Parent Orientation and to give written parental permission for their child to attend the program.