Be a PSWD Chalice Lighter (CL)!
We at UUCV stand to benefit from a Chalice Lighter (CL) call. Please join that call. It’s an appeal to the generosity of people in the Pacific Southwest District (PSWD) to donate to support the UU movement. In this case, the appeal goes out to congregations in southern California, Arizona, and Nevada to support our own Membership Manager position. The PSWD CL program gives us the chance to be in community with all 49 congregations in the PSWD. To be a CL, one commits to answering up to three requests for donations of at least $20. These donations add up throughout the district to provide funding to our sister congregations to build, modify buildings, equip, and staff – all in support of advancing our values in ways that could not be done with a congregation’s own funding alone. UUCV has benefited from Chalice Lighters twice in recent times. Funding was instrumental in getting a new sound system when we moved to our Ralston campus. And, a CL grant made it possible for us to hire an Assistant Minister, a ministry that had transformative effects on our church community. UUCV is in the closing days of a call to raise funds for the first year of our Membership Manager position. If you are already a CL, give generously. If not, this is an especially appropriate time to sign on and give. For more info: www.pswduua. org. Look under “Programs and Resources” for the link to the PSWD Chalice Lighters program or contact Jim Merrill, current President of the PSWD Board of Trustees.