by Kitty Merrill | Nov 21, 2015 | Volunteer
The flower arrangements for our chancel each Sunday are the product of a small group of volunteers, a subcommittee of the Worship Associates.
Members and friends sign up for flowers to commemorate a special event or person on a date of their choosing.
If you’d like to take a week, look for the large sign-up sheet in Berg Hall.
The subcommittee members accept donations to pay for the flowers, which are then purchased and arranged by these talented and dedicated volunteers.
If you are interested in joining this group, talk to Linda Pietrzak or Anne Escobedo.
by Kitty Merrill | Nov 16, 2015 | Volunteer

This group keeps the kitchen stocked and provides refreshments on Sunday mornings.
Contacts are Shelah Wilgus and Carol Simmons. They would love to have you volunteer your help on a Sunday morning.
by Kitty Merrill | Nov 14, 2015 | Adult Programs, Volunteer

Each week, members of the church collaborate with the minister to create the powerpoint slide presentation for Sunday worship services. Orientation is given.
New volunteers are welcome. Find out more about doing the slide shows from Andy Edgar-Beltran at church, or at
by Kitty Merrill | Nov 8, 2015 | Volunteer
All-Church Building and Grounds Work Parties take place on the third Saturday of every month from 9 AM until 12 noon. Please feel free to attend as your schedule allows. During the Saturday work parties, we take on repair and upkeep projects such as changing fluorescent light tubes, gardening, sweeping the parking lot, repairing the irrigation system and all manner of fix-it requests.
Bond with fellow church members and friends while working to maintain our church home. We are always on the lookout for individuals with the electrical, plumbing and carpentry skills, however no matter your skill level we can find a job for you. More complex projects may be worked on during the week. If you’d like to find out more, the easiest way is to just come by, or you can talk to Joyce Sattler or Linda Pietrzak for more information.