by Kitty Merrill | Feb 27, 2017 | Notes from President's Desk
The end of the Church year is approaching and soon our Committees will
begin thinking about who will be their Chair for the coming year. They will be
planning, determining budgetary needs and wondering if there are enough helping
hands on their committee. These volunteer opportunities call out for folks who are
willing to give of their time and talent. We have heard from Rev. Dana on how just
about anything that we do can be called a ministry. To me, that is a mindset shift
in one’s approach to serving on a committee.
Service is a spiritual undertaking and not just a job. Ask yourself: Which is more
fulfilling, work or ministry? Worship, Finance, Buildings & Grounds, Membership,
Social Action, Religious Education, Board, Kitchen Cabinet, Leadership, Programming,
Pastoral Care, Stewardship and more, are known as committees but they are really
ministries. As you can see, there are lots of ways to get involved at the UUCV.
The things we want to accomplish are much easier to do when these positions are
filled with folks of good heart and intentions for the wellbeing of our church and
Mission. Each one of the many ways available to serve, are really opportunities to
deepen one’s commitment to Unitarian Universalism and to UUCV. This is the
practice of sweat equity.
Reflections on some meaningful events of the last few months include:
The evening Vigil at church following the Election brought many of us together
in mutual support and concern for the future of our country. This was a uniquely
moving spiritual experience for those who participated.
The 11th Annual Homeless Memorial at Plaza Park was like the ones before it,
a somber gathering to bear witness. There have been hundreds who have died on
our streets since this program began. Without the work of LUYV, these lives would
never have been recognized.
The Candlelight Christmas Eve Service with Rev. Dana is a tradition not to be
missed. A universal message of Peace on Earth and goodwill to all. It doesn’t get
any simpler than that.
The Ventura Justice for All March and our participation was the largest march I
have ever been part of in Ventura. It was companion to the Million Women March
in Washington D.C. In a week filled with rain the sun came out and shone on this
historic event. The day was truly inspirational.
The Chicken Little actors: Talk about a fun time during the Children’s Story
last month. There is always something that one can come away with from going
to church on Sunday. In this case, it was a great lesson about fear, presented with
amazing humor.
Taco Night, put on by the Edgar-Beltran family is their Auction item and gift
to the congregation. This event is a wonderful example of how we build up our
Rev. Dana’s Installation is a special occasion for a minister and a congregation.
We chose each other. This event highlighted and reaffirmed that bond, celebrating
the journey that has begun
Living in Paradise,
Bryan Buck, President
by Kitty Merrill | Oct 2, 2016 | Notes from President's Desk
Process Takes Time
Process is defined as a series of actions or steps taken to achieve a particular end. That sounds right. But the experience can be quite different. No one can tell you how long it will take to reach that end or goal. When you engage in the work of process you are making an open-ended commitment to see the issue through to its conclusion. Some processes are fast and fun, and others slow and challenging. Either way, when the work of process is done well, the rewards are worth the effort.
In my August column I made reference to the work of Process when building relationships. We do not instantly know or understand each other in a minute or two without taking a lot of little steps together. Some steps are easy, like saying “Hi.” Some are more difficult, like saying you’re “sorry” to someone. Walking together and building friendships takes time. Becoming connected to the church community takes time and is a process that depends upon the making of friends. It’s an essential part of the spiritual journey.
The work of the church is typically organized by committees. It takes many committees and lots of people volunteering to make all of the things that happen at church a reality. Tom Berg used to say “Who do you think does all this work? Little Elves?” Well the answer is; We do the work and we seem to do it quite well. You see it’s part of each person’s own ministry to find what fills them and participate in the life of the church. All of us contributing to the common good through individual efforts of our time and energy to make the UUCV a vibrant, living, breathing place of spiritual discovery. We are an amazing church!
There is a song titled; “I’m a Unitarian” by Grace Lewis-McLaren, 1987, that follows an old Hungarian tune. We have sung it at campouts and “Open Mic Nights.” It is a musical satire of sorts on UUs, with one particular line reading; “Policies I do espouse, resolutions pending. But committees are my pride, meetings without endings.” UUs have a reputation for long meetings. When it comes to committee work, process, can test one’s character. Yet the rewards of those efforts are certain to include deepening of relationships and building friendships with those who served with you on the committee.
Working together is a process. Each day we get a little further along in our goals. Yet isn’t the purpose of committee work to get things done? Certainly there are plans to make, tasks to complete. And they will get done, but please, do not let getting the work done, get in the way of how we go about doing that work together. It is easy to understand how some folks avoid committee work. I hope that you don’t. You may have tried it before and didn’t enjoy the experience, but you are needed. Your help, your talent, your time, is needed and wanted.
You do not have to join a committee in order to help achieve the goals that a committee is tasked. Religious Education has a committee but what they need most are volunteers for classroom teaching. B&G has a committee but what they need most is to have volunteers come out once a month and spend a few hours caring for our church facility. The Social Action has lots of ways for you to get involved to promote the common good and build a better world. The Kitchen Committee, Pastoral Caring Committee, and many others need your help to not only make those activities what they are but to share the load in the friendship of building a loving community. They all need willing hands and hearts. Please reach out to what interests you. That’s a process of discovery and it’s worthy of your time and effort.
Living in Paradise,
Bryan Buck, President
by Kitty Merrill | Jul 1, 2016 | Notes from President's Desk
Change is the one Constant
This column has been written by former president, Carolyn Briggs, for the past four years. It has been a place where one could find important information on our church activities as well as inspiration on how this church changes lives for the better. Now it is my turn to provide information to you, the members and friends of our congregation, about matters of our church that concern us all. It may take me a while to get the hang of things and hopefully you will find my “notes” helpful. Please know that you can email your questions and concerns to me at and I will try to answer them as best I can in a timely manner. If I do not answer immediately it may be that my other full-time job swallowed my remaining energy for the day. Most often I prefer face-to-face conversation. You are also welcome to attend our Board meetings.
Now back to that idea about change. I am very much an “if it ain’t broke don’t fix it” kind of guy. Tradition holds that the title of this column should take on a naming convention similar to those from previous Board Presidents. Marcy’s Musings, Jim’s Jottings, David’s Diagonals and Tom’s Time are of the recent past. Bryan’s Eight Bits or Bryan’s Bulletin or Buck’s Bang do not really resonate with me in much the same way that Carolyn may have struggled and then came up with the current and classically simple, “Notes from The President’s Desk.” As I said, if it ain’t broke…
This church year marks the beginning of a new era. We welcome the Rev. Dana Worsnop, who will be starting in August. We, as a collective group, worked for two years with the aid of professional staff to reach this new place of opportunity. Everyone should be proud of what has been accomplished and filled with excitement for the days ahead.
We have new Board Members and we have Committee Chairs who are looking for help in providing the programs that add richness to our church life. These folks want and need your support. Seek them out, get to know them and volunteer to help in any way that you can. A big part of being successful is achieved by simply showing up, and sharing your time and talent. Sunday Services are always better when you are there. Children’s RE is always better when your kids are there. Committee work is always better when you participate. These are some of the ways you build upon your spirituality and, perhaps more importantly, discover what it means to be in relationship with members of our community.
Lastly, I am a believer in our Covenant of Right Relations. You can find it on our wonderful website. That Covenant helps define how we are to “be” with each other because we will not always agree with each other. In my opinion Unitarian Universalism is not a black or white, day or night, living faith religion. It is a religion that lives in the gray. It can be a messy and tension filled place. Which is why we are frequently called back by our ministers to become our best selves. Please read the Covenant and give it your thoughtful consideration. It is the foundation of good beginnings and to understanding that we don’t have to think alike in order to love alike.
Living in Paradise,
Bryan Buck, President