by Kitty Merrill | Apr 7, 2017 | Justice Actions
During the past month you have been hearing about the upcoming Celebration Sunday on April 9. This event will follow our Sunday Service and is for all Members and Friends of the UUCV. From our founding in 1958 to today, the legacy that is the UUCV was accomplished not only with time and talent, but also with a financial commitment. We make that commitment in order to seed our tomorrows with opportunities to live out the values of Unitarian Universalism.
During the March 5 Sunday Service, Darryl Marquez gave his reflection on how the UUCV has changed his life.
“The first face of the UUCV I got to meet was Harold Cartlidge. I was living at Riverhaven and he was working on our water supply line for the camp. My partner at the time liked to get involved so he and Harold worked on it together. It wasn’t long before we were invited to church. Not knowing what I was getting into I brought a bible. LOL. As a child, I went to a Catholic school (not by choice) during the week, and a Baptist church (by choice) on Sunday. Now a church that doesn’t need a bible; this is my kind of place.
The Rev. Jan Christian took the pulpit. I was captivated and immediately hooked on this new place. I don’t recall much about the sermon or my first visit but the members I would eventually meet would become my friends and my family.
Wow! That was almost ten years ago. In that time, I have been encouraged and supported by so many; and certainly blessed. Some things I’ve been able to be a part of: I participated in the first Lift Up Your Voice (LUYV) photo project. I have been a volunteer for LUYV from the beginning.
Our advocacy for the homeless has meant so much to me. I help with our safe sleep program and I’m currently working with Rev. Dana as a pastoral associate.
I’m so supportive of our parks outreach team. So very proud of everyone that helps at VCMC One Stop, another program that has helped me in the past. I could go on and on.
This community has warmed my heart in ways I never thought possible. In turn, I have been able to grow, to turn my life around and truly feel my own inherent worth and dignity. Along the way, I discovered that a church is not its building, it is the community of people gathered and what they do together to make a difference in the world. I am proud to be a Unitarian Universalist and member of this church. Looking forward to the next chapter.“
We can see in each other the stories of lives changed by our presence in the community as a voice of liberal religion. There are letters posted in the hall near the copy machine that speak of our generosity and how we have been able to give aid and hope to those in need. We change lives.
Our Annual Pledging event gives you the opportunity to commit your personal resources in support of the mission of the UUCV. I hope you will consider raising yours.
Living in Paradise,
Bryan Buck, President
by Kitty Merrill | Apr 7, 2017 | Justice Actions
Back when the Unitarians and Universalists merged in 1961, they considered briefly a wholly new name: the Liberal Church of America. Both denominations considered themselves religious liberals so the name made some sense.
Here are a few definitions of the word liberal (which have nothing to do with politics!): Marked by generosity, bounteousness, open-handedness, not stinting. Abundant, ample. Broad-minded, open-minded, not bound by authoritarianism or orthodoxy.
We value such qualities not just in our religious lives, but in the manner we try to move with our families, at work, in our community and, yes, in church. In these days, when il-liberal forces are working hard to make us afraid of one another, we need to live into our liberality as a great and conscious choice.
Being generous, abundant, ample, open-minded and open-handed becomes a spiritual practice. Fear makes us want to turn inward and tighten our hands around what we have – to protect and even hoard. In such times being open-handedly generous is practically countercultural.
I invite you to practice generosity in your lives and here at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Ventura. It never ceases to amaze me that you create this liberal, abundant, bounteous, broad-minded and heartful church community by the sheer generosity of your spirits. You give to the church and you extend your liberal hands and hearts to the community.
On Sunday April 9, you will be invited to practice generosity by making your pledge to ensure the continued existence of your liberal religious voice in Ventura County. The church is moving into the future with confidence and commitment – to our families and children as we hire a new Director of Religious Education; to the glowing and growing spirit in each of its members and friends as we continue to gather in a community of broad minds and open hearts; to those in need in the wider community. Our liberal religious voice will be called upon to speak for the homeless, the immigrant, the refugee, the LGBTQ community.
Answer your invitation to Celebration Sunday with a resounding Yes!
Exercise your liberal, bounteous and generous hearts. Be the Liberal Church of Ventura.
With Abundant Love, Rev. Dana
by Kitty Merrill | Feb 27, 2017 | Justice Actions
by Beverly Jordan, Membership Manager
The poster on the Membership Bulletin Board in Berg Hall lists 10 good reasons for joining a Unitarian Universalist (UU) congregation. Two of my favorites are: “Because here we acknowledge that revelation is never sealed and empower ourselves to search for new truths. Because here we nurture our children’s enthusiasms and encourage their questions.”
The Pathway to Membership Workshops are for those who are wanting to know more about this congregation, the UU tradition, and to connect with others who are seeking. There is no assumption you will become a member if you attend these workshops but attendance is a requirement for Membership. Come and be informed – and then decide what is best for you.
Part I • Wednesday, March 29, 6:30 – 8:30pm
Part II • Saturday, April 8, 10am – 2pm, (Lunch Provided)
Celebration for New Members • Wednesday, May 3, 6:30 – 7:30pm. Gathering of newest members with the Membership Committee and church leaders.
New Member Sunday • Sunday, May 7
These workshops and events are hosted by Beverly Jordan, Reverend Dana, and the Membership Committee.
Register in Berg Hall at the Adult Programs Table or email Beverly Jordan with your questions and/or registration. (Beverly@ Childcare is provided with pre-registration.
by Kitty Merrill | Feb 27, 2017 | Justice Actions
by Gudrun Eastham
If you have attended Sunday Worship Services recently, you may have noticed Rev. Dana, Worship Associates and the Membership Committee have implemented a new Offering Ritual to create a fuller focus on the offering recipient, to incorporate a Blessing, and to eliminate distractions during/ after the collection process.
Beverly Jordan, Membership Manager and Membership Committee members recently hosted another well attended “Newcomer Chat,” in the conference room where those attending learned how our Worship Services are created, what lighting the Sanctuary Chalice means, why we make a “Bridge of Love,” and how we are able to “give away” the offering each week. A half-dozen attendees remained for an enjoyable and illuminating tour of our semi-empty building!
As promised, Pathway to Membership Orientation Workshops are fast approaching. These events are open to anyone who wishes to learn more about Unitarian Universalism and our church but are required for those seeking membership in our church. Sign up in Berg Hall at the Adult Programs table.
by Kitty Merrill | Feb 27, 2017 | Justice Actions
Meet Sidia Anderson, Our new Child Care Coordinator
Sidia began in the field of pre-school education 15 years ago. Her experience includes over seven years as a preschool teacher at La Petite Academy of Ventura. For the past four years she has worked for the Ventura Unified School District as a para-educator for special needs children.
Last year she became our lead Child Care Aide and now has taken on the new position of Child Care Coordinator. Please go directly to Sidia when your church group needs child care on days other than Sunday. We have placed our trust in Sidia and she’s doing a great job.
Sidia has been married for 20+ years to her college sweetheart and has two high school age boys. Hiking with them and their dog Tenok in the mountains is one of their most fun things to do together. If she finds time she enjoys reading mystery stories for fun.
Sidia says when she married she grew to know her husband’s grandmother who was so open and accepting of everyone – a gift to her that has made her work with children natural and rewarding. It influenced her efforts to help young children discover the world. Since her husband’s grandmother belonged to the Santa Barbara Unitarian Universalist fellowship, she was comfortable applying for work with our Unitarian Universalist Church even though she is Catholic.
Sidia is a joy to watch with children. She can catch the eyes of a two year old from across the room with a nod and a smile. Her understated manner belies her sense of concern for the safety of her charges as well as her expertise and understanding of children. Sidia is an infant-toddler teacher’s gift – gentle, kind, and firm! We are glad we found her. Come by and introduce yourself, she is looking forward to getting to know you.
Exciting Learning In RE
Pre K-1st: Learn about our church and our religion. We will be making personal chalices, and learning the seven principles. We will also be exploring ideas of God, and practicing meditation.
Teaching Team: Laurie Lemson lead, Cheryl Gilbert, Katie Hutchins, Irma Sixby, Gerri Woodson
2nd-5th: Focus on the Christian Bible and learning about the life of Jesus. Jesus as a teacher. The Death and Resurrection of Jesus and Jesus as a miracle worker.
Teaching Team: Lauren Copus, David Smith, MaryKay Lambert, Jeff Steves, Phoebe Higgins
6th-8th: Learn about US Christian movements in the 1800’s; Mormonism on March 5, Christian Science on March 12 with special guest Avonna Ramsey, and Jehovah Witness March 19, and March 26 Blessing of the Animals – All Generations Service.
Teaching Team: Chris C De Baca, Michael Pezzuto, Marge Lorraine, Gina Norstedt, Mina Nichols, Ray Vargas
Mark Your Calendar
Youth Choir Rehearsals
Sunday • 11:25-11:50
Contact Carolyn Howard, Music Director
Youth Group Meeting
March 6 • Garage • 6-8pm
Info: Tanner Akseven, coordinator
Social Action Con
March 17-19 • Santa Monica
Tanner Akseven, RSVP, 805/231-1552
All Generations Service Blessing of the Animals
March 25 • 10 am
RE Teachers’ Meeting
March 26 • Garage • 11:15-12:30pm (next meeting May 7)
Religious Education Committee
March 28 • Conference Rm • 6-8pm
by Mina Nichols
by Kitty Merrill | Feb 27, 2017 | Justice Actions
“Wherever there is a human being, there is an opportunity for a kindness.” Seneca
by Lety Ball
SACC Meetings
The Social Action Coordinating Committee (SACC) is dedicated to hosting and promoting events to inform and help our members engage in the pursuit of social justice. At our last SACC meeting, we helped a dozen members connect with others who share their interests. It is our hope these small get-togethers may become action groups and/or lead our members to join organizations already formed. All are invited to our meetings on the fourth Monday of the month. Upcoming meeting dates are February 27, 2017, and March 27th at 6:30pm. Come at 6pm if you would like to join our pre-meeting potluck.
Move To Amend
On January 29 Bill Haff of the Ojai group Move to Amend gave a presentation about the Move to Amend (MTA) work on a constitutional amendment to establish money is not speech and corporations are not people. The bill provided historical background about the growing influence of corporations in politics, shared a progression of MTA’s work, and offered several ways our members, individually and as a congregation, can help MTA get money out of politics. Visit MTA online and sign the Motion to Amend for the 28th Amendment at https://movetoamend. org/motion.
Action Groups
To be part of our current action groups, email:
Will Rogers Action Group: Dorothy Fasthorse
Environmental Action Group – 7PEAT: Kitty Merrill
Thank you Sue Brinkmeyer
by Haroldale Cartlidge 805/701-9672
Sue is taking a much-deserved break. She has stepped down as Interim Director of Lift Up Your Voice. Until a permanent replacement is decided upon, I will fill that position.
Her dedication, compassion, and organizational skills will be sorely missed. However Sue has organized LUYV in such a fashion, that by pulling together, we will continue and hopefully expand our important mission of advocating for and working with our homeless and marginalized neighbors