Notes from the President’s Desk – June, 2017

The Fifth Principle: “The right of conscience and the use of the democratic process within our congregations and society at large.”
On June 11 following our Sunday Service we will be holding our Annual Meeting. By now you should have received a packet in the mail containing informational materials on the issues we will be addressing and voting upon at the meeting. This is our opportunity to fulfill the Fifth Principle and consider in the process that this action is part of one’s own spiritual practice as a Unitarian Universalist. In our society voting is an event that comes up often enough that many people do not even bother with the process. They think their vote does not matter or others will make the right decisions. On another level voting rights are under attack and it is all anyone can do to preserve them. Whenever you have the opportunity to have your voice heard please take the time to be informed about the issues and speak out with your vote.
Much of the Annual Meeting is routine and yet essential to our Mission. There is a budget to be voted on by the congregation. The budget comes to us after having been prepared by a sub-committee. It was reviewed by the Finance com­mittee and previewed by the Board for recommendations. After all of that it was then revised and finalized by the sub-committee and Finance Committee. Finally the Board gave its approval for presentation to the congregation. Our budget represents many hours of work by people who have thought deeply about the future of our church. It is easy to get caught up with details and minutia with a budget. I ask that you trust that portion of the process to those we have entrusted to do the preparing of the budget. Consider instead the big picture. Does this budget help us live out our values?
There is a “Slate” of candidates to vote upon for positions on the Board, on the Leadership Committee and on the Endowment and Memorial Fund Committee. Even though these positions are filled by a democratic process, facilitated by the work of the Leadership Committee, the folks who will fill the vacancies are just like you. They are dedicated and willing volunteers who will be trying to help the UUCV fulfill its Mission and Vision. They deserve our support.
We will be voting on a change to the By-Laws. This request is the result of work undertaken earlier in the year by the sub-committee on Major Maintenance. Based on that work the Ministry and Operations Team drafted a By-Law change that permits the Board to authorize projects to be funded with money from the Major Maintenance Fund. Currently there is a 2% cap on the Board’s authority to spend any money without a vote of the congregation. A cap on discretionary spending makes sense for the Operational Budget of the church but not for the ongoing and repetitive maintenance of our facility. We are asking that the 2% cap not apply to the Major Maintenance Fund.
These are only some of the issues we will be deciding as we prepare to begin the 2017-18 year. Thank you everyone for all you do to make the UUCV the beacon of light and prophetic voice that it is. See you at the Annual Meeting.

Living in Paradise,

Bryan Buck, President

Membership Committee – June, 2017

by Gudrun Eastham
During the recent New Member Celebration held in Berg Hall, eight people signed the Membership Book, shared their views about what joining our church means, met several church Board members, received permanent name tags, enjoyed sweet treats and fruit, and prepared for the New Member Recognition Ceremony held during the May 7 Worship Service. The Recognition Ceremony was especially meaningful and memorable for all attendees because the children were again invited to stay and witness new members ceremoniously lighting candles and hearing the new member litany.
I thank each of you who participated in helping to launch this recent new members group, facilitating and speaking at the Pathway to Membership workshops and New Member Chats, setting up/taking down furniture, bringing refreshments, cleaning up, photographing new members, braiding blue ribbon leis, and making visitors and new members feel welcomed.
Look at the New Member bulletin board in Berg Hall where photos and brief bios are posted. Chat with our new members, who are wearing blue and white name tags just like you as well as blue ribbon leis, and, if being on the Greeter Team has ever interested you…now’s your chance to volunteer to perform welcoming tasks before, during and after the Sunday Worship Service. Contact me anytime at or call 805/479-4852.

Where Do I Find Out What’s Happening at UUCV?

Other places to check for upcoming Events  and ongoing Activities at UU.

  • “Like” us on Facebook! “Unitarian Universalist Church of Ventura
  • Monthly Newsletter On Common Ground is on the UUCV website. (Click “Newsletter” at the top right corner. Or pick up a copy in the entry or at the Adult Programs Table.
  • Visit the Adult Programs Table and Bulletin Board in Berg Hall. You will find the latest information and registration for classes, program brochures
  • Catch the announcements at church at 10 am.
  • ‘This Week” publication gives highlights for that week. Pick up a copy in the entry room. Members & Pledging Friends receive via email each Thursday.
  • Visit with someone at the Visitor Information Table in Berg Hall.
  • Talk to people. Ask what they are involved in!

Journey to Belonging

by Beverly Jordan, Membership Manager
Want to find out more about becoming a Member of UUCV? We love those conversations! Contact Beverly Jordan, Membership Manager ( and/or Gudrun Eastham, Membership Committee Chair (


by Beverly Jordan, Membership Manager
The newly formed Adult Programs Coordinating Team (APCT) includes myself, Xenia Young and Annette Gale. APCT oversees both the Spiritual Growth Programs and The Adult Programs.
If you are interested in facilitating an adult program at the church, contact us for an application. We’d enjoy hearing your ideas!

Membership Committee – May, 2017

by Gudrun Eastham
Pathway to Membership Workshop #2 was held on Saturday, April 8 from 10-2 in Berg Hall. A dozen newcomers to our church were treated to an inspiring interactive experience. Rev Dana, Beverly Jordan, Membership Manager, and Board Presi­dent, Bryan Buck presented discussion topics that included the meaning of being in Covenant, a brief UUCV history, the benefits and expectations of membership, the theology of Giving and Funding the Mission.
After a vibrant conversation over a buffet lunch, attendees were invited to participate in a special exercise entitled “Embracing the Spectrum” where five questions were presented and attend­ees were asked to place themselves on an invisible horizontal line. One question was, “what styles of Worship do you like?” and another, “What are some goals you have for yourself in this congregation?” Everyone learned something about themselves and others! Membership Committee was honored to participate in this day.
Upcoming: a mini celebration, May 3, for those signing the Membership Book and returning pledge cards and New Member Recognition, May 7, during the Worship Service.
In the meantime, I invite you to seek out visitors at Sunday Ser­vices, introduce yourselves and while I’m on the subject, if there is someone you haven’t seen at church in a while, please call and invite them to return or offer them a ride.

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