by Kitty Merrill | Jul 29, 2017 | Finance Committee
Our members and friends have been generous in pledging donations to turn our playground into an Outdoor Sanctuary for use by all age groups. The design for this renewal project is beautiful, practical, and environmentally sound. See the design poster in Berg Hall.
The total project will cost between $60,000 and $80,000. If we missed asking you to participate in funding the project and would like to help, please contact Michael Akseven at church or
Our most important financial goal is to increase annual pledges by approximately $40,000 per year by April 2019 when the 2019-2020 budget will be constructed. This is an average monthly increase of $16 per pledger, per month.
If desired or needed, you can change your future pledge amount at any time by notifying Jennifer Seale, UUCV Office Manager, at 805/644-3898, extension 100, or
You can make one time donations or set up automatic pledge payments on by clicking on “Give” on the right side of the masthead area, then, click on the picture of the mouse and follow the instructions; or by contacting David Smith at 805/216- 9331 or
by Kitty Merrill | Jul 10, 2017 | Finance Committee
- Our congregation approved its 2017-2018 budget with projected expenses of $449,008 and with revenue and credits projected to cover these expenses. For a detailed copy of this budget, please email davidpaseo@
- Special 3-year bridge pledges will end in two years creating a need for additional income to sustain our current level of programs and staffing.
- Our two-year need is to increase annual pledges by approximately $40,000 per year by April 2019 when the 2019-2020 budget is being built. This is an average monthly increase of $16 per pledger (individuals and couples.)
- If desired or needed, you can change your future pledge amount at any time by notifying Jennifer Seale, UUCV Office Manager, at 805/644-3898, extension100, or
- You can make one-time donations or set up automatic pledge payments at Click “Give” at the top right of the home page, then follow the instructions for single or scheduled payments, or contact David Smith at 805/216-9331 or davidpaseo@
by Kitty Merrill | May 27, 2017 | Finance Committee
• Our Celebration Sunday service, April 26 completed this year’s annual pledge campaign.The celebration was for your generosity with your time and money for our congregational lives. This is the first year in many that we had a Stewardship Team, led by Maura Raffensperger with much help from Reverend Dana Worsnop, Kappy Paulson, Yukio Okano, and the Kitchen crew and other helpers. It was a great party!
• The financial results of your participation generated a net increase in annual pledges of 4.8%, or nearly $15,510 in increased annual pledges as of May 1, 2017 compared with annual pledges on record as of February 28, 2017.
• If needed, you can change your future pledge amount at any time by notifying Becky Burnham, UUCV Office Manager, at 805/644-3898, ext.100, or
• You can make one-time donations or set up automatic pledge payments at Click “Give” at the top right of the home page, then follow the instructions for single or scheduled payments, or contact David Smith at 805/216-9331 or
by Kitty Merrill | Apr 27, 2017 | Finance Committee
May 2017
- Our annual budget is prepared from March through May each year. The Board of Trustees will review, and perhaps amend it, before you will see it in June. Input has been received from the various programs and committees that have budgeted funds each year.
- Church members will consider and vote on next year’s budget at our annual Congregational Meeting on June 11 after the worship service and coffee and conversation.
- If needed, you can change your future pledge amount at any time by notifying Becky Burnham, UUCV Office Manager, at 805/644-3898, ext.100, or
- You can make one-time donations or set up automatic pledge payments at Click “Give” at the top right of the home page, then follow the instructions for single or scheduled payments, or contact David Smith at 805/216-9331 or
by Kitty Merrill | Feb 27, 2017 | Finance Committee
Why Doesn’t Someone Do Something About This?
by David Smith, Finance Committee Chair
I have learned not to take these complaints personally, but almost no one seems to care about our annual budget until they get it in the packet for the annual meeting. Most of us enjoy the congregation programs, but don’t connect them with numbers and money. Many of your ideas for program improvements require communication with the right people to get them into the annual budget. So, how can we move from what we might not like to acting upon what we would like to see happen? Keep in mind these changes to our programs will not happen immediately because we use the democratic process.
Here are three ways you can act upon an idea that you think would improve something.
First, determine which program your idea would affect, find out who deals with that area, and make an appointment to discuss your suggestion. The person you talk with will likely take your idea to the appropriate committee for their consideration. If your idea is accepted, they have funds, and are willing to pay for it now, it will happen. However, if funds for that committee are scarce, it might not happen until the next budget year.
Second, if you find most of your ideas fall into a particular program, then you may want to join that committee and be involved in setting the budget priorities for the next year. Some programs are not committees, as such, so if music is your passion have a discussion with our music director. For most people, this seems bizarre, but my passion and my first church friends were found in the finance committee. Getting involved can lead to a role in getting things done.
Third, there are some projects that are not part of our annual budget process, known as capital improvements. Members organize them because they are passionate about getting them done. Members donate to the projects when they have been approved by the congregation. Here are four stages of discussion. 1. Completely rebuilding the area formerly known as the children’s playground to create an Outdoor Sanctuary. 2. Replacing our outdated and dangerous sound system so that someone will not trip and land with a speaker on his head. 3. Reshaping and remodeling our sanctuary. 4. Creating a window in the minister’s office so nature can come in for all those who enter.
Your idea could affect church programs or other types of improvements, but this often involves communication, action over a significant period of time, and sometimes, budgets and money.
by Kitty Merrill | Jan 27, 2017 | Finance Committee
- Eighty-nine percent of the church’s total annual income comes from “pledge payments” from members and friends. “Pledges” are statements of intent of what each of us will provide regularly to pay for the programs and employees of our church. The finance committee needs to have an accurate estimate of your pledges throughout the year.
- We give away our cash offerings every week to organizations and individuals who need our support, so those funds do not pay for our own programs and ministries.
- If needed, you can change your future pledge amount at any time by notifying Becky Burnham, UUCV Office Manager, at 805/644-3898, ext.100, or
- You can make one time donations or set up automatic pledge payments at Click “Give” at the top right of the home page, then follow the instructions for single or scheduled payments, or contact David Smith at 805/216-9331 or davidpaseo at
-from the Finance Committee