by Kitty Merrill | Feb 12, 2016 | Adult Programs
About four times a year, UUCV invites members and friends to share their talents on a Saturday evening– whether as musicians, singers or spoken word artists — a chance to perform in front of a supportive and non-critical audience while providing a nice evening of entertainment and fellowship for members, friends and family.[spacer height=”20px”]
Contact: Kent Brinkmeyer, 818-281-6245
For me, these nights have helped me to develop enough confidence to go on to perform at a Sunday church service, something that had been a goal of mine for quite some time. For all of us, it provides an evening of music of many varieties and lots of fun and fellowship. — Kent Brinkmeyer
by Kitty Merrill | Jan 12, 2016 | Adult Programs
Every Friday, watch a superb but little-known movie with a fun group while you enjoy popcorn and snacks.
Meet Friday evenings at 7:00 pm in the Green Room (Enter at rear of church through Berg Hall)
Current movie schedules are available in the church newsletter, On Common Ground. All are welcome.
For more information, contact: Julie Moore, 653-6296
by Kitty Merrill | Dec 14, 2015 | Adult Programs, Women's Groups

This open women’s group explores women’s roles and issues using audio/video presentations with discussion. All women are welcome.
Participants choose topics and ideas for discussion such as women’s issues, political and current events, including breaking news. Participating members will have an opportunity to contribute their ideas and concerns and to enjoy each other’s company.
Women’s Voices Discussion Group: First & Third Tuesdays Time: 11:00 am Location: Green Room
Contact: Suzanne Olsen
by Kitty Merrill | Nov 25, 2015 | Adult Programs
Friendship Sangha of the Heart
The Friendship Sangha of the Heart practices mindfulness meditation in the tradition of Thich Nhat Hanh. We gather every Monday for an evening of meditation which includes silent sitting meditation, silent walking meditation, inspirational readings, music, singing, chanting, and an opportunity to share about our meditation practice. This weekly program is open to anyone who wants to meditate.
To learn more about this practice, you are welcome to attend a monthly Introduction to Meditation on the second Monday of the month. A silent potluck vegetarian meal is held when a fifth Monday occurs in a month, about four times a year. For more information about our Sangha please go to the Sangha website.
Days : Mondays, 7:00 pm Location: Church Sanctuary
Second Monday of the Month: Introduction To Meditation, 6:30pm (For reservations go to the Sangha website.)
Fifth Monday of the Month: Silent Potluck Vegetarian Meal, 6:00pm Sangha Website:
Contact: Neal Ortenberg
by Kitty Merrill | Nov 24, 2015 | Adult Programs
The choir rehearses every Wednesday night from 7:30 – 9:00 p.m. Sept. through June in the sanctuary and sings twice monthly in Sunday services, September through June. This is a non-audition group of very dedicated and enthusiastic and loving singers. New members are welcome at any time during the church year. Please contact Carolyn Howard, the Music Director, or anyone in the choir to find out about joining.
Location: Church Sanctuary

by Kitty Merrill | Nov 19, 2015 | Adult Programs
The Handicraft Circle brings knitting, crocheting, sewing, needlepoint, and more. You are invited to join them to work on whatever project you like with conversation and maybe a cookie or two. Many of them are experienced crafters and glad to help. Days: First and Third Thursday Time: 2:30-4:30 pm Location: Rotating in member’s homes Contact: Shelah Wilgus