Think of a Minister. Don’t Think of an Elephant
Chances are you thought of both. And perhaps distinct images came to mind in terms of what a minister should look like. This Beyond Categorical Thinking workshop is a key part of the new minister search process. In finding the person who would be the best match for us, we could potentially overlook or even let biases keep us from recognizing a particular person would be that best match. Ministers in our faith who are people of color, bisexual, gay, lesbian, female, transgender, differently-abled, young, old, ethnically different, or of a different class—all of these credentialed ministers still face discrimination as part of the ministerial search process.
In our efforts to find the best match, the search committee has arranged for a presenter from the Unitarian Universalist Association to join us on Sunday, November 1. The presenter will meet with the search committee, lead the Sunday service, and facilitate a 3-hour conversation where we will have a chance to examine how we can avoid letting prejudice become a part of our search process. The program will thus help us to explore our hopes and concerns for a new minister, learn more about the search process, and see how our own history (both personal and congregational) might interfere with our efforts in this search. The program is now 20 years running and has proved very useful and valuable to congregations in the search process.
Save Sunday Nov 1 for a special service, potluck and afternoon program!