A New Year’s Same-Year Reflection
Hoo boy, we are halfway through the church year that began July 1, 2022. It is a good time to reflect on where we have been and to look forward to where we are going.

We have an amazing core of volunteers who provide activities for young people on Sunday mornings while we await the return of a full children’s religious education program. Golly, they sure could use some more help. Please feel free to jump in. Talk to Laurie, Cary, or Cheryl.

Our Sunday Safety Monitor helps us feel secure in our gatherings, indoors and out. We have a diligent group of volunteers providing guidance and looking to the future of religious education in our church family. We have a wise group of equity ministry volunteers coordinating our examination of how we relate with one another in our church community and beyond.

Our social events are slowly returning and even growing. We held a swell auction dinner to kick off a successful auction activity. The craft fair returned. We now have a ukulele ensemble gathered each Sunday.

And we are looking forward. The congregation has brought on board a contract minister, the Rev. Carolyn Price, who is already serving us. Rev. Carolyn will serve as our Sabbatical Minister when Rev. Dana takes an overdue sabbatical beginning in March.

Later this month, the Ventura City Council will formally recognize the Unitarian Universalist Church of Ventura as a Green Business, the first house of worship in the city to achieve that status. We can also look forward to a mid-year meeting with the Finance Ministry to give us the big picture of how we’re doing, budget-wise.

Oh, and yes, we are heading into pledging season, but that’s for a different message.
Jim Merrill, UUCV Board President

Reverend Dana Worsnop
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