Good People,
I have found myself signing off missives with: Happy Hanukkah, Blessed Solstice, Merry Christmas, Happy New Year. This is, indeed, the reason people have taken to saying Happy Holidays! Late December is especially crowded this year as the 8 nights of Hanukkah include both the Solstice and Christmas.
Here is what lies ahead:
Saturday, December 24, 5:30 pm – Lessons and Carols
We will have a simple, traditional Lessons and Carols service. Lots of favorite and familiar carols, including singing Silent Night by candlelight. Among the lessons will be one from the Grinch and his dog Max.
This service will be on Zoom and YouTube. If you are zooming in, be sure to bring a candle for each member of your family, and be ready to turn down the lights and sing Silent Night together.
The offering will be for the Lift Up Your Voice to End Homelessness Moving In Ministry. You can text to give or give checks or cash at the service. This offering will not be covered for those who have set up autopay.
Watch Christmas Eve Service here via Zoom. Meeting ID: 919 9469 3437 / Passcode: 576710 Dial by your location: +1 669 900 9128
Watch Christmas Eve Service here via YouTube.
Sunday, December 25
The Cluster Colleagues have created a video service for you all to view whenever fits into your Christmas Day happenings. Appearances by the Grinch, Scrooge, lumps of coal, Jingle Bells, and the spirit of the season. The Sunday offering is for Camp deBenneville Pines. It will be covered for those on autopay. Watch Christmas Day Service here.
Sunday, January 1 – Singing in the New Year
We’ll sing lots of favorites from our hymnals, and folks will offer reflections on why their musical faves are their faves.
Sunday, January 8, 10 am – Fire Communion Service
Our Annual Fire Communion service will invite us to leave the old year behind and enter the new, refreshed and renewed.
So, Happy! Blessed! Merry! Happy!
May your days be merry and bright.
With warmest holiday cheer,
Rev. Dana