So many of us have been on retreats: women’s retreats, choir retreats, men’s retreats, yoga retreats. So want to ask: Are we retreating from something?

Instead let’s look at retreats as sanctuaries, places where we can find solace, creativity, support, and connection. I like to think about women’s retreats a way of deepening and expanding my connection to women.

We live in a larger culture which often divides women against each other. And of course we live in an androcentric culture, which is fearfully becoming even more so. That’s why we need a sanctuary of time and space to reconnect with each other and share the wonderful creativity and wisdom each of us brings to the table. Come let’s celebrate ourselves at a Women’s Retreat on Saturday, June 15th from 9:00 til 5:00 at Susan Franzblau’s home at the Ventura Harbor.

Our team: Kathy Swift, Sally Herman, Susan Franzblau, Vel Linden, and Priscilla Akin, is preparing a home baked goods breakfast, a Middle Eastern vegetarian lunch and other delicacies. We are also preparing workshops on eating and walking meditation, breathwork, zentangles, T’ai chi, and more…We are women teaching and inspiring women. We are limiting the retreat to 20 women so give it some thought. We will have a signup sheet available on Sunday, April 20th after services. Instead of retreating let’s find a safe place, a sanctuary, to reconnect and learn from each other.


Re-inhabiting the Church

RE-INHABITING THE CHURCH Dear Members and Friends, A few weeks ago, Rev. Dana and Yukio Okano shared the first in a series of Between Sundays posts about...

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Between Sundays 8/16/23

A MESSAGE FROM LILY RAPPAPORT, ACTING DIRECTOR OF FAMILY MINISTRY   For many of us the new school year starts soon! The new year represents growth and change;...

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Between Sundays 5/17/23

Come one, come all, to the Congregational Conversation after the service this Sunday, May 21, at 11:30. We'll meet in person in the sanctuary or on Zoom...

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Between Sundays 5/2/23

Kitty and I, along with Bryan and Gretchen Buck, Rev. Carolyn Price and Orval Osborne, and Martha Kazlo, gathered with fellow supporters of Camp de Benneville Pines for...

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Between Sundays 4/7/23

  A note from Rev. Carolyn Price, Sabbatical Minister and Jim Merrill, Board President Jim: We want to keep you all informed about the upcoming months while the...

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Between Sundays 2/17/23

ATTACK OF THE BRAIN  - What do you do when you discover your brain is working to sabotage you?  It's not fun.  Actually, it's mortifying. To set the...

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