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Good People,
 As I said on Sunday, it feels like we’ve been running a marathon and the finish line keeps getting moved. I’m starting to realize that metaphors of races and lights at the end of tunnels do not apply. 
Is this a matter of managing expectations – not so much as in lowering them, but as in not having any?
Will the Dance with Uncertainty become the way of the world?
Everyone, breathe now.
Also on Sunday, what was intended as an update on where the conversation stands regarding the church and reopening, sounded like a done deal. This is still an on-going conversation at many levels of church leadership.. 
We had definitely hoped to open the doors wide on Sept. 12 for worship in a well-ventilated sanctuary to all comers, along with lights, cameras, and action in a streamed service for folks who still prefer staying home. The Board, Reopening Team, Staff, Worship Team, Minister, RE Team and more have been conversing all summer and are adjusting plans in light of the Delta variant and vaccines unavailable for kids under 12. 
Here’s where the conversation now stands: 
Worship through Sept. 12.

  • Sept. 12 – THE BEST NEWS FIRST … The Worship team and I agreed that it feels best to together in-person outside for our Water Communion service. This is planned as an All Generations service, though we our families are feeling cautious. 
    • Note: We will need a whole crew of folks to make happen. Be on the lookout for ways to help out.
  • Aug. 22 – Sankofa: A Walk into the Light of Love, a cluster collaboration hosted Santa Paula with Reggie Harris, an amazing UU musician – Note: this service starts at 10:30 am.
  • Aug. 29 – Liberation and Universal Truths with Paula Cole Jones, who is on UUA staff, founder of ADORE – A Dialog on Race and Ethnicity, and a co-author of the 8th Principle. Link to her writing here:
    • Note: Jones is actually a Big Deal among UUs. We are thrilled to have her with us. 
  • Sept. 5 – The Wellspring of Our Faith with Carolyn Bjerke, me and more!

Beyond Sept. 12

  • A tech crew convened by Kitty Merrill has been busy all summer installing a new system for streaming services. This will be up and running by September. 
  • The plan is for the Worship Team to begin leading worship from the sanctuary as soon as we can.
  • At some point soon – perhaps as early as Sept. 19 – we will start having small(er) distanced groups of masked people attending worship in person. 
  • What the configurations of people indoors will be and how many are still part of the conversation. 
  • Fidelity and our RE teachers are planning meaningful outdoor RE experiences for children and youth come September. Look for more about UU Gardening, Children’s Chapels & Youth Group meetings. 
  • MORE GOOD NEWS: The fall will bring us more and more opportunities to gather in person – outdoors and in – and we will still need to look out for those who are vulnerable among us. 

Keep breathing, All.
Sometimes I think that is the only suggestion I have for getting through. 
Breathe slowly and deeply into your solar plexus and belly. 
Exhale slowly and fully. 
With love,
Rev. Dana