Good People,
Our families need you.
I think the Covid Shutdown may be hardest of all on families with school-aged children. They are balancing most everything they did pre-covid, and adding in what amounts to homeschooling.
Our new Religious Education Coordinator is planning and leading 4-5 on-line RE programs each week. She’s finding curricula and keeping it as lively and engaging as possible. She has a lovely spirit and presence that ids and families are already connecting with. Yet she can’t do it alone.
The UUA has released safety protocols for on-line RE classes – which align well with our own safety policies. This means that we still need two adults present for groups – in person or on-line. In the past, we had a lot of parents serving as teachers and volunteers to ensure enough adults are safely with our kids. All those parents are now spending plenty of time with their kids and on-line learning. Kids and parents need a break.
Helping with RE is easier than ever now that we’re on-line because RE isn’t on Sundays, so you can help out and still come to Sunday services.
Fidelity is looking for six or more volunteers who are willing to help facilitate Zoom meetings with our elementary and youth groups. We need two adults present in each Zoom room. The UUA guidelines also suggest having a volunteer on stand-by in case a facilitator loses internet access or must leave.
Here are the programs:
CartUUns Zoom for 2nd to 6th-graders, Wednesdays @ 6:30 – 7:30 pm.
The kids will watch Disney and Pixar short films together, then move out age-grouped Zoom rooms to discuss, play games, art projects, etc. The volunteers would lead break-out room discussions, games, and activities. There will also be 30-minute planning meeting each week to discuss the curriculum Fidelity prepares for the session.
Youth Group Zoom for 7th grade and up, 2nd and 4th Tuesday @ 7:30 – 8:30 pm
Activities, reflection, games, discussion. The second adult assists with moderating discussion, making sure youth aren’t talking over one another, monitoring the Zoom chat, etc. I can attest that it is all great fun!
Because it’s no longer on Sundays when I’m usually leading worship, I have been able to help out with all these age groups. It is such a treat to get to know our kids mostly by hanging out and having fun with them!
Last week, the Youth Group gathered for a safely-distanced, in-person Movie Night in the driveway of Janice and David Frank. We watched the movie ‘Up’ and all brought our own popcorn and snacks. Parents dropped kids off and had a kid-less evening. Some even reported having a lovely dinner out. The Youth Group facilitators are hoping to continue such safe gatherings every month or six weeks.
Living through this pandemic is so challenging. We help each other as best we can, and there are only so many ways to help in the midst of a shutdown.
Volunteering with our RE program is a way for those of us who don’t have children at home to support our children and youth – and their parents through times that are piling particular stress on families. A small(ish) way to help that can have a big impact. We are such a Grand Community (a technical term for the fun part of being a Beloved Community.
With love and gratitude,
Rev. Dana