Dear Ones,
We’ve gotten so good at turning on a dime with the latest news of Covid spread.
We’ve gotten good enough that sometimes we forget how exhausting it is.
We forget to check in with ourselves in body, mind, and spirit.
So, this is a reminder to you all to check in with yourself – and with each other.
And take care of yourself – and of each other.
The last two years have been ridiculously trying times.
For all the times you have risen to the occasion, give yourselves – and each other – a pat on the back.
For all the times you have been impatient, annoyed, angry, sad, lonely, give yourselves – and each other – a hug.
I suspect for many, the news of our return to online, Zoom worship feels like a punch in the gut.
I know many are feeling lonely and isolated, and it just hurts. This seemingly endless pandemic will be behind us eventually. We will cross something like a finish line, though lines are so fuzzy these days, we may not realize it until we’ve past it.
And please, please do not suffer in silence. Please reach out to family and friends in the church and beyond.
The staff, church leaders, and Pastoral Associates are all reaching out a lot. Yet we may still miss someone in need; we may still miss you…
Another way to reach out is to email the church Warm Line.
It is ‘warm’ as opposed to a ‘hot’ line. The Warm Line was created by the Pastoral Associates* and me for the less-than-emergency, I’m-still-feeling-pretty-low moments when you could use a kind ear.
Just send an email to
The Pastoral Associates monitor the messages, and someone will respond within a day.
You can send a message about yourself or on behalf of someone else in the church.
Perhaps you’ve noticed someone who seems down, someone in need who is unlikely to ask for themselves.
The Pastoral Associates have been quietly working with me, mostly behind the scenes, reaching to our community. We almost always worry that we are missing someone. The Warmline is a way you can help us stay in touch.
We will get through this pivot, too.
Remember, none of us is alone.
We are strongest and most resilient together.
With Love,
Rev. Dana
*The Pastoral Associates partner with me to attend to pastoral needs in our community. They offer a confidential, compassionate, and listening presence. They are Kent Brinkmeyer, Don Henniger, Kris Langabeer, Darryl Marquez, Madelaine Okano, Yukio Okano, and Rena Pezzuto,