Dear Ones,
As a Living Tradition and an Evolving Faith, the Unitarian Universalist Association has been undertaking a revision of Article II of the UUA Bylaws. That is where we find our beloved seven Principles and six Sources which were adopted in the mid-1980s.
The first set of UUA principles were written in 1961 at the time of consolidation between the Universalists and the Unitarians bringing both faiths together. Less than 20 years, the world had changed enough (I credit Civil Rights and especially the Women’s Movement) that those principles were too narrow for our blooming new faith. So, we adopted seven principles and six sources that were both richer and deeper.
Those principles are what brought many of us into this tradition. Yet that is almost the problem. They have ironically taken on near-creedal status in our decidedly non-creedal faith. They were never meant to be permanent. How could they be? A core value of this tradition has been a willingness to learn and grow and adapt ourselves and our tradition to what we learn.
Forty years later, Article II has not been substantively revised, though we’re supposed to review it every 15 years. Think of what we have learned and how the world has changed in the last 40 years. As attached as many are to the Principles and Sources, it is time to view them anew.
In June of 2020, the UUA Board established the Article II Study Commission, charged to:
“propose any revisions that will enable our UUA, our member congregations, and our covenanted communities to be a relevant and powerful force for spiritual and moral growth, healing, and justice. Proposed changes should articulate core UU theological values. The Board believes that one core theological value, shared widely among UUs, is love.”
Since then, the Study Commission has reached out to individuals, congregations, UU affiliated groups asking for input and comment. Some members of UUCV joined a Wellspring Covenant Group on Article II and have offered our thoughts and feedback.
The commission has released its Article II Study Report link here:
Article II Study Commission Report. The proposed revision of Article II is on pages 19-22.
The proposed Article II is a dramatic revision. Over time the commission and many others – including myself – came to the conclusion that there was no way to simply edit and ‘fix’ the principles. They are essentially a whole cloth that can’t be snipped and stitched. This is also partly in response to the proposed 8th Principle. It felt awkward to tack it on the bottom, so now it’s woven into the whole document, along with reverence for the earth and one another.
The commission is asking UUs to read the proposed revision 3 times.
First, to observe how it makes you feel.
Second, to observe what it makes you think.
Read it a third time before thinking about any suggestions.
This is still a draft, by our procedure we will need to vote on the revision at two General Assemblies – in 2023 and 2024.
There is still time for all to take this in, offer comment, redraft. And we are continuing to grow, learn, adapt, evolve into a vital faith for the 21st century.
Stay tuned,
Rev. Dana