by Kitty Merrill | Apr 2, 2018 | Justice Actions
Amending the Bylaws Two Percent Rule
At the upcoming UUCV Annual Meeting on June 17 (which also happens to be Father’s Day), there will be a proposal to amend Article VIII, Section 2 of the Bylaws. Our Bylaws can only be amended by a vote of the congregation. The information below is a brief summary of the issue and intended to raise the awareness of the congregation on an important topic. Article VIII, Section 2 contains a spending restriction known as the Two Percent Rule. The proposed amendment is to change the rule from two (2) percent, to four (4) percent.
This Bylaw currently reads:
“Article VIII Duties of the Board of Trustees, Section 2. The Board shall be charged with approving policy to govern the conduct of the business of the church during the intervals between Annual or special meetings. The Board may authorize the expenditure of up to a cumulative fiscal year total of two percent above the total annual operating budget approved by the membership at a congregational meeting. Expenditure of more than a cumulative fiscal year total of two percent of the total annual operating budget requires a vote at a special congregational meeting.”
Our Operating Budget for 2017-18 was $451,301.00 of which 2% equals $9,021.00. At 4% that would be $18,042.00. That is not a small amount of money, yet this request reflects the changed reality of our times from when the Bylaws were adopted over 50 years ago.
What are some of the reasons for approving the change?
Timeliness: There are times during the church year when unforseen needs arise. For several years the Board has found itself at or near the maximum 2% when something unexpected would arise. Options: the Board could either wait until the following year’s Budget or hold a congregational meeting. Congregational meetings take time to plan and arrange. For a church that is growing, these options slow down our ability to be responsive and timely.
Flexibility: The cost of goods and services have increased significantly. There have been times when the 2% rule has been too restrictive for our needs. At 4% the Board would have the necessary financial room to meet congregational needs that arise while still maintaining restraint in unanticipated spending.
What are some of the reasons for not approving the change?
1. The 2% rule reminds the Board to be fiscally conservative with church money.
2. Calling a congregational meeting or even multiple meetings to consider unforeseen but needed expenditures may be inconvenient but if the need is great, we can do this.
There will be more information available at our Annual meeting and the opportunity for discussion. When the time comes to vote please consider this amendment as necessary for the Board to be able to act timely on behalf of UUCV in response to circumstances that affect our church. In the meantime if you have questions or comments feel free to contact me.
Living in Paradise,
Bryan Buck, President
by Kitty Merrill | Feb 27, 2018 | Justice Actions
We Are Building a New Way is our theme for our stewardship campaign for 2018-2019 is based on the hymn from Singing the Journey.
We are entering a critical time in the financial life of the church. By several measures, UUCV is the most financially stable church I have ever been a part of. Experts recommend that churches carry operating reserves of two months of expenses. UUCV is the first church I’ve ever seen that actually has that (and a little bit more). In addition we have even more in other reserve funds, most of it in the Legacy Fund. There is a rub, of course. Most of that money – particularly the Legacy Fund – is not intended for operating expenses.
For several years now this church has been living boldly, “staffing for growth.” Which means we have staffing levels to serve a larger church in order keep our doors open to all who seek a new way. We have been able to do this – while also calling a new minister – in large part due to generous members who contributed to a 3-year bridge fund which comes to something over $40,000 a year. We’re halfway through the bridge. We have one more fiscal year – 2018-2019 – before those funds go away.
And now the growth we have been staffing for is actually happening – and then some. The number of children and youth in our RE program has more than doubled. Our adult membership is growing between 15 and 20 percent. Wow. Just wow. The vision created over the last 5-10 years is coming to fruition.
A new life and energy is nearly palpable throughout the church, and the good news is that it is manifesting in a growth in giving – of every kind. We’re on our way to being able to “cover” the bridge pledges.
Our new challenge is that this growth may already be outstripping our staffing capacities. Don’t you wish life would just happening in a straight predictable line?
All this makes the next two years critical.
We have a fabulous staff who want to do even more to help UUCV come alive. We have a chance to grow in depth, in vision, in transforming lives and in transforming the community we serve.
As it should be, our reach still exceeds our grasp.
Our financial resources are one of many ways we are generous. This is an abundant community. We have so much to share. Now is the time, if you are able, to increase your annual pledge.
There is so much more that we can bring into the world. So many new things to build in our hearts and beyond.
With love and gratitude,
Rev. Dana
by Kitty Merrill | Feb 2, 2018 | Justice Actions
Have you noticed yourself start to date things from before and after the fire? Such happens when we’ve been through such a major and collective trauma. I also have realized that somewhere in there I lost December. So now we get to pick up and carry on.
Sometime Before the Fire, the Board of Trustees held a Congregational Conversation to hear from folks about how things are going in church. The question we posed was: What ways do we want the church to grow? The point was not to dwell on numerical growth, but to consider all the aspects of growth within the church. Folks responded with all sort of ideas about how we can grow in spiritual depth, in being a congregation of many diversities and generations. There were ideas for worship and religious education and for how we might improve our sanctuary’s aesthetics and acoustics.
Have you noticed, in the mean time, we are growing like gangbusters? Some Sundays we are filling up nearly every seat. We now are singing “We Hold You In Our Love” three times through before all our kids make it through the Bridge of Love. People have been finding their way through our doors. We will welcome 30-35 new members in just four months. Our RE program is close to doubling in size in 6 months.
It could just be that what we offer in a free church with progressive values and an openness to spirit and possibility resonates more profoundly in our times. Perhaps the fires served as a powerful reminder of the importance of community. It becomes clearer how much we need each other and the power we have when we come together.
We are now growing in all the ways we spoke of in November and in numbers of people seeking a spiritual home.
Such growth is simultaneously wonderful and challenging. We have bought more chairs for the sanctuary and more tables for Berg Hall, which will help.
Yet more important is that we keep our hearts and arms open, that we remember the gracious art of hospitality. We offer a profound message of freedom, resistance, hope, possibility, and joy, even as the world swirls around us. We may, each of us, need this community. And we must keep the doors open behind us and offer to others the same sense of home we have found.
So that we may ever say, Welcome home. We’re so glad you’re here.
with love,
Rev. Dana
by Kitty Merrill | Feb 2, 2018 | Justice Actions
Let the Sun Shine!
by Jim Merrill
The new year seemed like a great time to check in on our church’s rooftop solar electric production. At the January 7 meeting of 7PEAT (Seventh Principle Environmental Action Team), we learned since the installation of our solar panels in 2015, our church rooftop generation plant has produced 74,750 kWh (kilowatt hours) of electricity. To put that figure, 74,750 kWh, in perspective, the average California home uses 6,684 kWh annually. So our rooftop panels have generated enough power for 11.2 California homes per year since 2015.
If you are wondering if solar power is right for you, keep an eye open for a panel talk on solar power from 7PEAT group this spring.
The 7PEAT team is glad to share how we as a congregation are reducing our carbon footprint through photovoltaic generation and through our many other sustainability initiatives.
Contact: Jim Merrill:
by Kitty Merrill | Feb 2, 2018 | Justice Actions
Strong Bones 1
(Beginning Class):
Monday • 1:30pm • Sanctuary
Wednesday’ • 1:30pm • Sanctuary
Strong Bones 2
(Intermediate class):
Monday • 2:30PM • Sanctuary
Wednesday • 2:30PM • Sanctuary
Designed to build strength, flexibility, and balance while having fun! Exercises are performed in chairs and standing, using hand weights and stretch bands.
Open to men and women, Work at your own pace. $4/class, bring light weights, and stretch bands if you have them.
Contact: Suzi Axtell, Adult Ed certified exercise instructor,