by Kitty Merrill | Nov 4, 2017 | Justice Actions
While money clearly does not grow on trees, it sometimes strikes me as even more miraculous that food actually does. It’s probably my mostly suburban and urban life so far that makes this seem so remarkable. Still, it’s a wonder to drive around Ventura County and see oranges, lemons and limes actually hanging on branches, not just in pyramids at the grocery store.
Our November theme of Abundance is well suited to this time of year. In the Northern Hemisphere the harvest is pretty much over by now and many cultures have celebrations. The fall is a time to consider what we have and be grateful for the abundance in our lives.
Some hold the view that life is a zero-sum game. The more someone else has the less they have. They compete for more so that there is no chance they will ever go wanting. There are people and whole corporations in the world that deliberately seek to profit from our fear. That want to pit us against one another, that tell us to deny the humanity of others.
We live in a culture that often equates abundance with having massive quantities of everything. What if true abundance is just having enough?
Part of why we come to church is to live by a different set of values. Seeking enough, not everything. Satisfaction, not ecstasy. (A little ecstasy goes a long way, after all.) John Lennon asked us to “imagine all the people sharing all the world.” A pretty big dream, though that is the world we seek.
Our message must be that there is enough. We are enough. What if the deepest truth is that there really is enough? Enough love, enough truth, enough integrity, enough kindness, enough goodness in human hearts. So much enough-ness that we can actually share what we have. There is enough, though it is not equitably distributed.
To the extent that we are a people of abundance with enough – and often more than enough – for ourselves, we are called to reach out to others who clearly do not have close to what they need.
In this season of gratitude, may we all consider the abundance in our lives. Not simply of material things, but the abundance of love, friendship, kindness. The fullest bounty of our lives. My fond hope is that no one who is part of this community will feel a lack of the gifts of community.
Happy Thankgiving
Rev. Dana
by Kitty Merrill | Nov 4, 2017 | Minister
While money clearly does not grow on trees, it sometimes strikes me as even more miraculous that food actually does. It’s probably my mostly suburban and urban life so far that makes this seem so remarkable. Still, it’s a wonder to drive around Ventura County and see oranges, lemons and limes actually hanging on branches, not just in pyramids at the grocery store.
Our November theme of Abundance is well suited to this time of year. In the Northern Hemisphere the harvest is pretty much over by now and many cultures have celebrations. The fall is a time to consider what we have and be grateful for the abundance in our lives.
Some hold the view that life is a zero-sum game. The more someone else has the less they have. They compete for more so that there is no chance they will ever go wanting. There are people and whole corporations in the world that deliberately seek to profit from our fear. That want to pit us against one another, that tell us to deny the humanity of others.
We live in a culture that often equates abundance with having massive quantities of everything. What if true abundance is just having enough?
Part of why we come to church is to live by a different set of values. Seeking enough, not everything. Satisfaction, not ecstasy. (A little ecstasy goes a long way, after all.) John Lennon asked us to “imagine all the people sharing all the world.” A pretty big dream, though that is the world we seek.
Our message must be that there is enough. We are enough. What if the deepest truth is that there really is enough? Enough love, enough truth, enough integrity, enough kindness, enough goodness in human hearts. So much enough-ness that we can actually share what we have. There is enough, though it is not equitably distributed.
To the extent that we are a people of abundance with enough – and often more than enough – for ourselves, we are called to reach out to others who clearly do not have close to what they need.
In this season of gratitude, may we all consider the abundance in our lives. Not simply of material things, but the abundance of love, friendship, kindness. The fullest bounty of our lives. My fond hope is that no one who is part of this community will feel a lack of the gifts of community.
Happy Thankgiving
Rev. Dana
by Kitty Merrill | Oct 4, 2017 | Inreach/Outreach News
“For it is in giving that we receive.” Francis of Assisi
In late August and early September the congregation continued its ongoing generous support of the homeless, reached out to hurricane victims with open hearts and wallets, and reaffirmed support for women’s health care and reproductive rights.
You donated $528 to the Park Outreach Team, allowing these volunteers to continue their outreach activities in Ventura’s parks. The team provides some basic needs while simultaneously building trust and developing relationships. Funds also pay for the bus passes for transportation “home” from One Stop.
Ventura Homeless Prevention Fund (VHPF) received $757 to help keep families and individuals living in Ventura from becoming homeless simply because of a one-time event such as an accident or illness. Funds pay the rent, so a temporary loss of income or unexpected expense does not result in loss of housing.
The congregation donated $1355 to Direct Relief International (DRI) to aid the victims of Hurricane Harvey in Texas. DRI sends crucial emergency supplies to aid the most vulnerable victims in disaster situations, and provides high demand medical resources especially for those with chronic conditions.
We collected $874 for Planned Parenthood of the California Central Coast to assist patients who are low-income, uninsured, under-insured, unable to qualify for state or federal healthcare programs or are enduring a hardship requiring them to sacrifice healthcare.
by Kitty Merrill | Oct 4, 2017 | Finance Committee
• Do you find the annual church budget about as accessible as a Rubik’s Cube? Help is on the way to create a program budget each year, in addition to our wonky official budget. A program budget shows how funds are apportioned for our needs and programs rather than the way they are shown on our official budget. Watch for it. Coming soon. The program categories for our functional budget will be: 1. Building Community, 2. Children’s Religious Education, 3. Social Justice, 4. Stewardship (human, financial and real assets), 5. Supporting our UU Movement, 6. Worship and Music
• Our most important financial goal is to increase annual pledges by approximately $40,000 per year by April 2019 when the 2019-2020 budget will be constructed. This is an average monthly increase of $16 per pledger.
• You can change your future pledge amount at any time by notifying Jennifer Seale, UUCV Office Administrator, at 805/644-3898, ext. 100 or You can make one time donations or set up automatic pledge payments at , by clicking on “Give” on the right side of the masthead area, click on the picture of the mouse and follow the instructions; or contact David Smith at 805/216-9331 or
by Kitty Merrill | Oct 4, 2017 | Building and Grounds
by Linda Pietrzak
There is another new addition to the kitchen! Take a peek at the kitchen improvement and be sure to thank Mike Sixbey, Bill Peltola, and Shelah Wilgus for getting it accomplished. It looks great and creates more enclosed storage when it is filled by the kitchen crew.
I learned, again, it is always a good idea to remind people to come out for the Work Party. I know I need reminding but somehow, I think everyone else will remember. This month Bryan Buck, Bill Peltola, Mike Sixbey, Sherry Anderson, Joyce Sattler, and Cindy Camillucci came and got quite a bit done.
Sherry and Bryan swept up the church entry making it ready for Sunday service. Sherry and Joyce Sattler removed weeds from the Ralston Street side of the property. Bryan raked pine needles in the rear of the church, filling. They said it was gratifying to see the results of their work. Cindy removed weeds along the meditation path and picked up trash in the trash enclosure. I filled soap dispensers, watered the olive tree, and directed incoming workers. Most people already know what they want to do and go right to work. We encourage people to find an area they want to work on, clear it with B&G, and have fun doing it. You can do that too. Come out and see how accommodating we can be.