by Emily Carroll | Feb 14, 2019 | Children Programs, Children's Curriculum
Dear UUCV Community,
This month we explore what it means to be a people of trust, and one way we do that is by creating covenant. Every congregation has covenanted to “affirm and promote” our 7 Principles and at the end of that statement, it continues ”As free congregations we enter into this covenant, promising to one another our mutual trust and support.” That is a beautiful north star or guide post as we interact with each other, and yet we fall short!
Despite the horror of God deciding to destroy most life with a flood in the story of Noah, there is a beautiful mention of promises I’d like to lift up from the Bible: “And as a sign of my covenant with you I will put a rainbow in the clouds. And every time you see a rainbow it will remind you of our covenant to create and preserve life.”Genesis 9:12-13
So in this rainy season when I’ve already seen several rainbows, I invite you to consider the north stars of your own life and remember what guides you. We are here to support each other, love each other, and bring out the best in each other in community, as we are a people who crave love, connection, and belonging.
May we remember and trust that change is possible, and love each other tenderly as we work to change the world. In the words of Katie Covey, “When trust is broken, we are wounded, and wounds leave scars… Sometimes, our own Unitarian Universalist denomination betrayed the trust of Unitarian Universalist people of color… Right now, by telling stories and understanding racism, we are trying to take steps to create the trust we wish we had.”
Armfuls of love,
Emily Carroll
Director of Religious Education
by Emily Carroll | Nov 27, 2018 | Children Programs
Tender, loving, and interactive care for infants and children under age four is provided by trained, professional caregivers 15 minutes prior to the service, during worship, and during social hour from 9:45-11:45 in our Nursery from 9:45-11:15 and outdoor playground from 11:15-11:45.

by Emily Carroll | Nov 26, 2018 | Children Programs
Picture Book UU! Teaches young children about the love, reason, tolerance and good works that make up our faith and the art of self-expression, to value individuality, to think for themselves and simplify their lives.
This curriculum is fun, friendly, and concise with teachable moments that introduce our faith to young children. Each lesson includes a sharing circle, storybook that teaches our values, an activity, and a closing statement.

by Emily Carroll | Sep 13, 2017 | Religious Ed News
Our Whole Lives: Sexuality Education for Grades 10-12 helps high school youth gain the knowledge, life principles and skills they need to express their sexuality in life-enhancing ways. It puts sexuality into the context of values and personal responsibility, helping them manage social pressure and advocate for equality. It provides an opportunity to bring values and integrity to the real-life issues
Our Whole Lives: Sexuality Education for Grades 10-12
Examining Values
Body Image and Feelings
Anatomy & Physiology
Sexual Response Cycle and Sexual Functioning Reproductive and Sexual Health Care
AIDS and Other STDs
Condoms and Negotiating for Safer Sex
Sexy Safe Fantasy
Gender Roles
Identity, Roles, and Orientation
Sexual Orientation
Conception, Pregnancy and Birth
Parenting License
Parenting Alternatives
Sexuality Timeline
Sexuality and People with Disabilities
Sexual Expressions and Relationships
Verbal and Non‐verbal Communication
What Makes a Good Relationship?
Questions of the Other Gender
Defining Intimacy
Masturbation Myths and Facts
Sexual Behavior
Images of Love and Sex in Music and Video
Power and Responsibility
Power in Relationships
Breaking UP and Moving On
New Reproductive Choices
Sexual Exploitation, Sexual Harassment and Erotica Date Rape
Between Consenting Adults
Gay Pride Parade
Gender Equity
Sexuality and Social Issues
Our Whole Lives (OWL) values: •Self Worth
•Sexual Health
OWL models and teaches caring, compassion, respect, and justice. It helps high school‐age youth address their attitudes and values, their feelings about themselves and their sexuality, and their attitudes toward others’ sexuality. Participants in grades 10‐12 are guided by trained facilitators through an engaging curriculum that addresses topics typically excluded from sexuality education and health classes. This highly adaptable program includes fourteen sessions that include 41 workshops ranging from 25‐60 minutes for flexible scheduling.
OWL is a secular curriculum, appropriate in a variety of settings. Sexuality and Our Faith for Grades 10‐12 is a religious supplement for use in Unitarian Universalist and United Church of Christ congregations.