Adversity seems to be happening everywhere and at a pace that is emotionally and mentally mind-numbing. That’s how it feels to me. Perhaps we share that feeling. With the recent natural events of four hurricanes, two major earthquakes, and fires, along with the many troubling human events of the past year, it would be reasonable to just stay under one’s bedcovers. But we can’t. So, how shall we understand and cope with these events?
I like the myth tale of Pandora’s Box which comes from ancient Greece around 675 BC. It is an origin story. When the box was opened, all the terrible demons escaped and ever since the world has known hardship. Except that in the bottom of the box was a still small voice announcing itself. That voice is Hope, and it inspires us to persevere against the ills of the world.

We are entering the Holiday Season, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Chanukah, Kwanza, and New Year. This is the “Giving and Receiving” time of year that can leave a person worn out just wondering about the meaning of it all, especially considering how commercialized everything has become. Poverty of circumstances, emotional losses and more are emphasized, reminding us to remember our individual blessings and calling us to consider the importance of gratitude in our lives. This is a hopeful time of year with endings and anticipated beginnings.

At the UUCV I believe we give hope to people, and ourselves, that one day things will get better. We do that by being of service to others. That would be acts of doing good, and being kind in all things. Core values are exhibited every day by members and friends of our congregation through our outward actions as exemplified by our many outreach programs. Letters of appreciation from those we have helped are on the bulletin board by the copy machine. Unlike the giving that only occurs during the Holidays, the gift of service to others is not seasonal. Thank you to everyone for this daily ministry that makes a difference in the lives of so many.
The following is quoted from UUA President Susan Frederick-Gray: “You all are on the front lines – providing ministry and leadership to people of all ages, helping us all not to lose our humanity in this very inhumane time, helping us all not to lose hope.

Today, as I awoke, the words of Adrienne Rich were on my heart:
My heart is moved by all I cannot save:
so much has been destroyed
I have to cast my lot with those
who age after age, perversely, with no extraordinary power
reconstitute the world.
My fellow leaders, I cast my lot with you. We will not give up hope.”

Living in Paradise,
Bryan Buck, President

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