When I had been in my old church in Oregon for a couple of months, I remember people asking me, hopefully, “So, are you all settled in now?”

The process of moving to a new place and starting up in my very first church was still just a little overwhelming, and I wasn’t sure how to answer at first. I knew they meant to be positive and encouraging. So I learned to breathe and say, “Yes, I am settling in.” I’m not sure when I actually felt truly settled.

So, I’ve been ready for a similar process here in Ventura, and I have not been disappointed. I am still settling into my new condo and even into my office at church. Over a recent weekend, I actually sorted through accumulated files, some more than 10 years old. I culled and resorted, and I recycled some ancient documents. I still have furniture to acquire and pictures to get up on the walls. At some point, my office will feel comfortable and familiar to us all.

I suspect the settling in process is happening for us all. And it’s not yet done. This summer will bring us a new office administrator and a new Director of Religious Education. More settling for individuals and for the institution.

This kind of staff turnover is part of the natural rhythm of the church and often happens when a new minister arrives. I will remain eternally grateful for Becky Burnham who delayed her retirement for a year or two to help with the transition from settled-to-interim-to settled ministry. My gratitude extends to Joyce Faber who stepped in as a volunteer DRE to cover the transition in that position as well.

In the next months when we have both positions newly filled, the longest serving staff member will be Beverly Jordan who has been at UUCV for almost 3 years.
This may seem like a whole lot of change for folks who’ve been around for a while. Yet it is also another fresh start in a congregation that has seen more than a few transitions in its near 60 years.

I hope we do feel more settled in before too long, though never entirely settled. We need to keep learning and growing, challenging ourselves as individuals and as a community.

I am so very glad to be in this settling process with you.

Rev. Dana

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