During the past month you have been hearing about the upcoming Celebration Sunday on April 9. This event will follow our Sunday Service and is for all Members and Friends of the UUCV. From our founding in 1958 to today, the legacy that is the UUCV was accomplished not only with time and talent, but also with a financial commitment. We make that commitment in order to seed our tomorrows with opportunities to live out the values of Unitarian Universalism.
During the March 5 Sunday Service, Darryl Marquez gave his reflection on how the UUCV has changed his life.

“The first face of the UUCV I got to meet was Harold Cartlidge. I was living at Riverhaven and he was working on our water supply line for the camp. My partner at the time liked to get involved so he and Harold worked on it together. It wasn’t long before we were invited to church. Not knowing what I was getting into I brought a bible. LOL. As a child, I went to a Catholic school (not by choice) during the week, and a Baptist church (by choice) on Sunday. Now a church that doesn’t need a bible; this is my kind of place.

The Rev. Jan Christian took the pulpit. I was captivated and immediately hooked on this new place. I don’t recall much about the sermon or my first visit but the members I would eventually meet would become my friends and my family.

Wow! That was almost ten years ago. In that time, I have been encouraged and supported by so many; and certainly blessed. Some things I’ve been able to be a part of: I participated in the first Lift Up Your Voice (LUYV) photo project. I have been a volunteer for LUYV from the beginning.

Our advocacy for the homeless has meant so much to me. I help with our safe sleep program and I’m currently working with Rev. Dana as a pastoral associate.

I’m so supportive of our parks outreach team. So very proud of everyone that helps at VCMC One Stop, another program that has helped me in the past. I could go on and on.

This community has warmed my heart in ways I never thought possible. In turn, I have been able to grow, to turn my life around and truly feel my own inherent worth and dignity. Along the way, I discovered that a church is not its building, it is the community of people gathered and what they do together to make a difference in the world. I am proud to be a Unitarian Universalist and member of this church. Looking forward to the next chapter.“

We can see in each other the stories of lives changed by our presence in the community as a voice of liberal religion. There are letters posted in the hall near the copy machine that speak of our generosity and how we have been able to give aid and hope to those in need. We change lives.

Our Annual Pledging event gives you the opportunity to commit your personal resources in support of the mission of the UUCV. I hope you will consider raising yours.

Living in Paradise,

Bryan Buck, President

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