Our study of the Channel Islands continues this month with Mark and Krista Mendelsohn teaching about the National Park Service and their amazing programs to recover the life and habitat of our ocean. Then we’ll view the National Marine Sanctuary: the kelp forests, marine preserves and their essential role in the life of the ocean, including learning about how litter and trash destroy the life in the ocean and lead to weakening and disappearance of vital areas within our ocean. We will also be learning life sustaining ways to take care of our trash and litter.

We are thrilled with your response to our Teacher Recruitment Town Hall. Please save Saturday, August 27 for Teacher training that morning. We feel very fortunate that our newly arrived minister, Rev Dana will join us to lead our training along with experienced teachers and members of the RE Committee.

Please consider your volunteer teaching as an integral part of your spiritual work. Teaching Religious Education to our children can be as deepening for our spiritual life as attending our Worship service. In fact they both complement each other for most teachers. Our workable compromise is to provide for continuity with our children and at the same time to give our teachers two Sundays to attend the worship service – the best of “both worlds.” Our goal is to have two teaching teams for each class; each teaching two weeks per month. A substitute teacher will be a regular part of the team when needed.

In addition, our RE team has support for you: just give us a list of your materials, books, posters, music, charts, letters home, two weeks before you teach and we will have it all in your room before you arrive Sunday morning. We are ready to assist you in any detail of planning you need, questions you have about teaching children, using the curriculum, teaching songs, doing followup activities, dealing with special needs of children.

We welcome all your questions and will give you tours to acquaint you with our rooms, play yard, equipment, teachers library and children’s library. The sign up logs are on the table outside the RE Director’s office in Berg Hall. For more information please see Joyce Faber, Acting DRE

OWL Our Whole Lives Classes will begin in the fall for 3rd and 4th grade and Sr HS. See Vel Akseven, Coordinator, for info.

Children’s, Choir, led by Carolyn Howard, returns in the fall.

With Love and Faith,  Joyce Faber, dre@uuventura.org

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