As I write this month’s column the November election results are known to us all. My own level of anxiousness concerning politics has been somewhat reduced. Time once again to move forward even though there will be continued drama in Washington. At least this time around I have a sense of Hope that the moral arc of the universe is again bending towards justice. Hope for a better, more peaceful world is what I believe the promise of the holiday season is about.
At the UUCV we save lives. We do that every day of the year with our Lift Up Your Voice Advocacy, with our Safe Sleep overnight parking, and with our Inreach Outreach sharing of the Sunday Plate to other non-profits. Unitarian Universalism offers Hope to people through the ministry of liberal religion. Holding up as our first principal that we “affirm and promote the inherent worth and dignity of every person.” That is a message for all seasons.
And then the county experienced the shooting in Thousand Oaks followed by terrible fires. Memories of last December are still fresh in my mind when fires swept through our county only to be followed by devasting flooding in Santa Barbara. So much suffering has happened in twelve months. Yet I still hold onto hope. The “audacity” of hope, as stated by Barack Obama. It is reflected in the stories of the bright star in the eastern sky, of the burning flame for the
Maccabees, and in the little light that shines within each of us. A metaphor for UU’s is the Lighthouse shining its beacon of light on darkness, giving aid to those in most need. Amen.
Following up on the September Congregational Conversation we discerned a list of 26 questions. Paraphrased, and in no particular order, they consolidated into six specific questions.

  1. How can I learn more about our deficit and the projected budget?
  2. Do we need to hire another staff person or can volunteers do the work?
  3. What can we do to be a more diverse congregation?
  4. Instead of giving away the Sunday Plate, can some of it be used to help the congregation?
  5. What are money making activities?
  6. How can I help more?

The first question is easy to answer. Attend the next Congregational Conversation on January 27. You can also read the Newsletter for information from the Finance Committee, attend a Finance Committee meeting, or talk to David Smith who is the Chair of the committee. The rest of the questions require deeper thought and conversation. Please take time to reflect upon them.
Finally, on behalf of the Board of Trustee’s, Happy Holidays to Everyone! Thank you especially to our Staff, to Rev. Dana Worsnop, Office Administrator Jennifer Luce, Music Director Carolyn Bjerke, A/V Technician Brian Fortune, DRE Emily Carroll, and all of the RE Aides for all that you do in support of the UUCV. We have much for which to be grateful. May peace and joy be yours this season.
Living in Paradise,
Bryan Buck, UUCV Board President

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