Dear UUCV Community,
Being a people of blessing too often overlaps with being a people of privi­lege. Since UU young adult camp last year, these issues have particularly been on our minds in terms of how to hold that we are a predominantly white congregation who so eagerly strives for inclusion. I wonder if we want to look different but not be different, feel better but not do better.
Nonetheless there is so very much to be grateful for and appreciating all of the small and big ways that our life is supported and that abundance is acknowledged is a powerful practice.
How do we come from a place of gratitude and work so that all beings are blessed?
A similar seemingly paradox came up at the parenting group last month when parents shared that as much as they want their children to have empathy and be kind, they also want them to stand up for themselves and speak up when they don’t like something. How do we teach children to come from a place of kindness and while listening to their inner voice to stand up for themselves?
These are some of the guiding questions at the core of our program, along with so many more! Let’s talk more about this at the many events this month! We are so excited to enjoy a picnic/BBQ with all of you after the service on June 10!
Give hope to those you encounter, that they may know safety from inner and outer harm, be happy and at peace, healthy and strong, caring and joyful. Be the blessing you already are. That is enough. Blessed Be; Amen.” Rev. Sarah Gibb Millspaugh

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