• UUCV has three financial enterprises, not just one. The primary budget is approved at our congregational meeting in June is for most of the programs of the church except Lift Up Your Voice and the Inreach Outreach Fund.
• Pledge payments are the source of revenue for most of our church programs, such as paying employees, and nearly everything else to keep the church humming.
• Our weekly offerings are the source for the Inreach/Outreach donations that go to other nonprofit charities and individuals in need of assistance.
• Lift Up Your Voice is now used primarily for the Park Outreach activities. It originated with grant money and has benefited from Inreach/Outreach offerings.
• You can make one time donations or set up automatic pledge payments at http://www.uuventura.org, by clicking on “Give” on the right side of the masthead area, then, click on the picture of the mouse and following the instructions; or by contacting contact David Smith

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