Building a New Way
“How fun to meet the new folks (new to me) on this list. I look forward to getting to meet with them.”
That’s a quote from one of our canvassers this year. It perfectly describes why we are conducting a member-to-member canvass this year.
What’s a canvass, you ask? In one way, it’s another word for pledge drive, but more than that, it is an intent to connect with every member and friend of UUCV. It is as much about growing and deepening relationships as it is about asking you to renew your pledge for the coming year.
Every canvasser is a pledging member of UUCV, just like you, and is volunteering their time to meet with you both because this is important to the health of our congregation AND because they also are looking to deepen (or begin!) their relationship with you.
So look forward to the call from your canvasser this month to find a time to meet. Make it easy for them and answer your phone. Please return their call promptly if they leave a message. To paraphrase from Casablanca, “This may be the start of a beautiful friendship.
Contact: Maura Raffensperger:

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