Dear UUCV Community,
This month’s theme is “what does it mean to be a people of balance?” There is an astronomical event March 20 relating to balance – the Spring Equinox. Equinox from ancient Latin, means day and night are equal length. Being in touch with the cycles of the Earth and moon relates to our program and our faith.
As mentioned in an article recently shared by Meaghan Lawrence to UUCV’s Facebook group, Sharon Hwang Colligan writes: “UUism, at least in the form it takes in our camps, conferences, and Sunday Schools—which I believe are the heart of our spiritual community—is in my perception a Pagan religion. It is circle-based, earth-honoring, and present rather than distant in spirit. It honors human sexuality, and female leadership. It seeks harmony rather than domination. In a Cross-cultural perspective, that is pretty much the definition of Paganism.”
As we turn toward Spring, there is much to celebrate and partake in within our walls and beyond. From the high school walk out for gun control, district-wide youth conference hosted at UUCV, to Coming of Age program with mentors in full swing for teens! In the children’s program, we’ll send a petition to Hershey to stop using child labor (we’ll let you know if we get a response!), discuss death of loved ones and animals, and await the reveal of the beautiful new Outdoor Sanctuary space! Our balance comes from justice work, growth, beauty, and gratitude.
All are invited to join the Easter canned food drive! Bring in small canned goods every Sunday in March to the regular Sunday food collection for Project Understanding. Then on Easter, April 1, rather than plastic eggs filled with candy, the cans will be labeled with a particular shape and hidden! The children will be assigned in teams to a particular shape, and will hunt for cans with their team shape! All children receive a potted flower and tasty treat! We hope to see you after church to join the festivities and appreciate your support.
“Very little grows on jagged rock. Be ground. Be crumbled, so wildflowers will come up where you are.” Rumi
Emily Carroll, Director of Religious Education

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