Finance Facts from the Finance Committee – July, 2017
Jul 10, 2017 | Finance Committee
- Our congregation approved its 2017-2018 budget with projected expenses of $449,008 and with revenue and credits projected to cover these expenses. For a detailed copy of this budget, please email davidpaseo@
- Special 3-year bridge pledges will end in two years creating a need for additional income to sustain our current level of programs and staffing.
- Our two-year need is to increase annual pledges by approximately $40,000 per year by April 2019 when the 2019-2020 budget is being built. This is an average monthly increase of $16 per pledger (individuals and couples.)
- If desired or needed, you can change your future pledge amount at any time by notifying Jennifer Seale, UUCV Office Manager, at 805/644-3898, extension100, or
- You can make one-time donations or set up automatic pledge payments at Click “Give” at the top right of the home page, then follow the instructions for single or scheduled payments, or contact David Smith at 805/216-9331 or davidpaseo@