“Summertime and the livin’ is easy”- Gershwin
I hope everyone has plans to enjoy the summer months with family and friends. These are the long sweet days before the harvest. Summer also marks the beginning of a new church year starting July 1. There is so much to look forward to. We are now fully staffed in a changeover of personnel that has taken us through several years. The time and work involved was all part of a natural and intentional process that has brought to us a great staff.
Our new Director of Religious Education, Emily Carroll, will be starting in August. All of us should be looking forward to getting acquainted with Emily and helping to begin revitalizing our RE program. Our young families and their children have been patiently waiting for a new, permanent, DRE. That day has arrived.
There are many volunteer opportunities available that need to be filled in support of our children. That’s right, Our Children! They are the future and paraphrasing Bob Dylan, I would much rather lend them a hand then get out of the way. Remember, it takes a village. Helping this vital program needs all of us. So, don’t be shy, please ask how you can help. Be a part of the solution and the success. This is how we change lives and make a difference in the world.
Jennifer Seale is our new Office Administrator. She began training with Becky Burnham in June. Some of you may already have met Jennifer and have been able to introduce yourselves. Jennifer will be our first impression, our ambassador, to anyone calling or visiting our church on weekdays. It will take some time for her to get settled in, so please be welcoming and encouraging.
Thank you to all who attended our Annual Meeting last month. The approving of the budget, the Open Sanctuary project, the amendment to the by-laws, and the slate of candidates, sets the stage for much of what we will do together this year.
As I write this column, General Assembly is about to begin in New Orleans, Louisiana. UUCV Representatives are Rev. Dana, Jim and Kitty Merrill, and Tanner Linden. My hope is that they bring back new insights and inspired vision for what is possible and challenging for our congregation to explore in living out our values.
With that in mind the Board will soon begin in earnest a process of visioning. With all the changes that have taken place these last few years, it is time to again look at who we are as a congregation.
In these troubled times our country and world need the message of Unitarian Universalism. What then calls to us? How shall we respond with love? These questions and more will be considered and shared as we begin our 2017-18 journey together.
I welcome hearing from you what your dreams and aspirations are for the UUCV. Unitarian Universalism is a faith that asks you to explore questions about what is meaningful and true for you. This is a place that “comforts the afflicted and afflicts the comfortable.” Please email me your thoughts, your vision of what we can aspire to be. (bryanabuck@hotmail.com)
Living in Paradise,
Bryan Buck, President