by Gudrun Eastham
During the recent New Member Celebration held in Berg Hall, eight people signed the Membership Book, shared their views about what joining our church means, met several church Board members, received permanent name tags, enjoyed sweet treats and fruit, and prepared for the New Member Recognition Ceremony held during the May 7 Worship Service. The Recognition Ceremony was especially meaningful and memorable for all attendees because the children were again invited to stay and witness new members ceremoniously lighting candles and hearing the new member litany.
I thank each of you who participated in helping to launch this recent new members group, facilitating and speaking at the Pathway to Membership workshops and New Member Chats, setting up/taking down furniture, bringing refreshments, cleaning up, photographing new members, braiding blue ribbon leis, and making visitors and new members feel welcomed.
Look at the New Member bulletin board in Berg Hall where photos and brief bios are posted. Chat with our new members, who are wearing blue and white name tags just like you as well as blue ribbon leis, and, if being on the Greeter Team has ever interested you…now’s your chance to volunteer to perform welcoming tasks before, during and after the Sunday Worship Service. Contact me anytime at or call 805/479-4852.