by Gudrun Eastham
If you have attended Sunday Worship Services recently, you may have noticed Rev. Dana, Worship Associates and the Membership Committee have implemented a new Offering Ritual to create a fuller focus on the offering recipient, to incorporate a Blessing, and to eliminate distractions during/ after the collection process.
Beverly Jordan, Membership Manager and Membership Committee members recently hosted another well attended “Newcomer Chat,” in the conference room where those attending learned how our Worship Services are created, what lighting the Sanctuary Chalice means, why we make a “Bridge of Love,” and how we are able to “give away” the offering each week. A half-dozen attendees remained for an enjoyable and illuminating tour of our semi-empty building!
As promised, Pathway to Membership Orientation Workshops are fast approaching. These events are open to anyone who wishes to learn more about Unitarian Universalism and our church but are required for those seeking membership in our church. Sign up in Berg Hall at the Adult Programs table.