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Pathway to Membership Orientation Workshop #2 was
staged on a Saturday in January by Beverly Jordan,
Membership Manager, Rev. Dana Worsnop and Membership
Committee along with expert assistance from Bryan
Buck, Board of Trustees President, Erica Duffy, RE Committee
Chair, and David Smith, Stewardship Committee
A half dozen potential new members attended and were
treated to a more detailed description of how our church
operates… to include the benefits of membership, learning
how pledging works, telling their personal stories, listening
to others’ personal stories, viewing a DVD, “Voices of A
Liberal Faith,” experiencing an expanded view of Unitarian
Universalism, Chalice Lighting, an overview of where
this church has come from “up on the hill” to our current location, “On Common Ground,” and a lunch where all could make their own sandwiches!
Everyone learned about the next events in the Pathway
to Membership: a celebration with cake and coffee on
January 19 with Board Members and other church
leaders, and a New Member Sunday ritual on January
22 where all new members will be officially welcomed
into our congregation during the Worship Service.
In the meantime, I encourage you to seek out visitors…
those wearing red/white name tags at church and invite
them to a UU event, read the Berg Hall bulletin boards
to acquaint yourselves with our church’s extensive list
of activities, and continue to be the welcoming and
green congregation you have been designated to be.
by Gudrun Eastham