• Eighty-nine percent of the church’s total annual income comes from “pledge payments” from mem­bers and friends. “Pledges” are statements of intent of what each of us will provide regularly to pay for the programs and employees of our church. The finance committee needs to have an accurate esti­mate of your pledges throughout the year.
  • We give away our cash offerings every week to orga­nizations and individuals who need our support, so those funds do not pay for our own programs and ministries.
  • If needed, you can change your future pledge amount at any time by notifying Becky Burnham, UUCV Office Manager, at 805/644-3898, ext.100, or office@uuventura.org.
  • You can make one time donations or set up auto­matic pledge payments at www.uuventura.org. Click “Give” at the top right of the home page, then follow the instructions for single or scheduled payments, or contact David Smith at 805/216-9331 or davidpaseo at verizon.net.

-from the Finance Committee 

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