Exciting Learning In RE Classes
Pre K-1st: In February we will be continu­ing with our “Treasure Hunting” theme as we explore the treasures of our church and our religion. Lesson titles include, “Ideas of God,” “What is Religion?” and “Seeing With Our Hearts.”
Teaching Team: Laurie Lemson, Cheryl Gilbert, Katie Hutchins, Irma Sixby, Gerri Woodson
2nd-5th: Bibleodeon Themes: “Courage”, “Wisdom”, “Obedience.” We will explore the Hebrew Bible stories of David and Solomon and also look at the women of the Hebrew Bible and also revisit and revise our class covenant to reflect the covenant between teachers and children – what we promise to each other.
Teaching Team: Lauren Copus, David Smith, MaryKay Lambert, Jeff Steves, Phoebe Higgins
6th-8th: This month we delve into Islam, one of the ‘Big 3’ with over 1.6 billion followers worldwide. We will discuss important aspects and con­cepts of the religion to deepen students understanding of the Islamic faith and learn about the prophet Muhammad, founder of Islam.
Children will also begin to think more deeply about how their own faith could be expressed in small and great ways, in every part of their lives, and throughout life.
February goals:

  • Introduce core aspects of Islam
  • Acquaint us with the life of Muham­mad, founder of Islam

ª Encourage thought about how their own religion is manifest in their lives.
Teaching Team: Chris C De Baca, Michael Pezzuto, Marge Lorraine, Gina Norstedt, Mina Nichols, Ray Vargas

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