I invite you to read Gudrun Eastham’s Membership article in this issue describing the Pathway to Membership Workshop held on November 15. What a joy to join together with these attendees as they discern their next steps towards membership at UUCV. I welcome their fresh perspective, the personal skills, gifts and opinions they bring into this congregation. If you missed this first workshop and are interested to know about the steps to membership, please contact me and let’s talk!
As you may have noticed, the number of first-time visitors has increased since the presidential election and I believe it will continue. I urge all to be attentive to these seeking guests. Like you, they want to be with people who stand up for the high values reflected in the UU 7 principles. If you are interested in knowing more about participating in the Membership Committee please contact Gudrun Eastham, chair of Membership: 805/479-4852. With the influx of visitors the work of the committee has suddenly increased. We appreciate your thoughtful consideration of this exciting and fulfilling opportunity.
Unitarian Universalism was made for this time called NOW. I encourage and urge you to take time after church to greet a newcomer, escort them into Berg Hall and to the coffee pot, listen to their story and perhaps share yours. Point out the Visitor Table (which is usually staffed), the Adult & Spiritual Growth Programs Table and the Social Action area. The UUCV Bookstore is a place to connect with others with resources they may find of interest. Thank you for reaching out to help others feel welcome and oriented to this energetic and sometimes overwhelming community gathering in Berg Hall.
With openness to the new,

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