It was midweek and the church building was occupied by several groups meeting simultaneously, when Beverly Jordan, Membership Manager, staged a most enthusiastic, informative and enjoyable Pathway to Membership Orientation Workshop for eight newcomers in Berg Hall! All in attendance were given the opportunity to share how they first heard about our church, what drew them to check us out, and what past faith/church experiences they had. Beverly highlighted benefits gained by membership in a UU church. Several church leaders, committee chairs, and committee members spoke: Harold Dale Cartlidge reviewed the focus of the Social Action Committee; Erica Duffy shared RE program highlights and curricula, including the reading of the Seven Principles from a child’s viewpoint; Anne Escobedo explained how support groups are established and maintained; Kathy Swift led the group in a song revealing the rewards of participating in church choir; David Smith related the meaning of pledging and other aspects of stewardship; Rev Dana offered a spirited overview of UU history, and Gudrun Eastham invited attendees to experience Buddhist meditation practice. A video was shown about the meaning of membership and all learned a new song, …”everyone is welcome at the table…”. In addition to a Newcomer Packet, pledge cards were circulated and attendees came away informed, delighted, nourished, and challenged! The second Pathway to Membership will occur in January, 2017. In the meantime, speak to someone you don’t know, ask a newcomer to a specific event and review our Seven Principles. — by Gudrun Eastham