I have written about how much more we could get done if more people came out for the monthly B & G Work Parties. This month extra people came out and we got fourteen out of sixteen jobs completed! I figured out the secret to get more people to come out for the Work Parties. All the church needs to do is to have activities each 3rd Saturday morning that involves a lot of participants, but that only one member of the couple needs to be actively involved in after the set-up, like say…a Craft Fair.
With the extra help, we hung several items on the wall in Rev. Dana’s office, disposed of a broken card table that had been dumped on the property, removed volunteer pine trees, watered the olive tree by the front door, emptied outdoor trash cans, picked up trash, weeded the butterfly and covenant gardens and sorted and dated items in the lost and found (Do you know where this is located?), removed dead shrubbery, adjusted the timer for the lights in the parking lot, swept up the never-ending pine needles and as a special treat, visited the Craft Fair. The workers in November were Merle Oberg, Bill Peltola, Joyce Sattler, Linda Pietrzak, Mike Sixbey, Kitty Merrill, Joe Hutchins, Cindy Camillucci, Jim Merrill, and Peter Mortensen. Can you recognize our guest workers? You are welcome to be a guest worker any third Saturday. In fact it could be your Christmas/ Chanukah/Yule gift to the church. Wouldn’t that be a lovely tradition to start? It could even be a family tradition! –by Linda Pietrzak