District Assembly, General Assembly, UU-UNO, Oh My!
Registration for District Assembly opens on January 1, 2017; If you are a 9th-12th grade youth interested in attending, register for DA Youth Caucus!
General Assembly Youth Caucus Staff applications open in Nov! If you are a 9th-12th grade youth who is interested in leading Youth Caucus at General Assembly 2017, see www.uua.org/re/youth/events/gacaucus.
The UU-UNO office is currently accepting applications to be an Envoy, a Youth Rep for the UU-UN Office, application information on www.uua.org/international/un/envoys. If you are a 9th-12th grade youth who is interested in global justice please apply!!
Contact Tanner Linden-Akseven (Youth Events Coordinator) at tanakseven@gmail.com for moreĀ information about youth opportunities and experiences