May the Love that overcomes all differences,[spacer height=”-10px”]
that heals all wounds,[spacer height=”-10px”]
that puts to flight all fears,[spacer height=”-10px”]
that reconciles all who are separated,[spacer height=”-10px”]
Be in us and among us now and always.[spacer height=”-10px”]
— Frederick E. Gillis
I first heard these words last June when our own Chuck Samonsky used them to open the Worship service featuring members of our congregation telling their stories about participating in Religious Education. Telling our stories, sharing our views, our feelings with each other in the sacred space of our relationships is how we get close and gain understanding. The entire service moved me but my attention was caught by the power of love expressed in the opening words. How does one maintain an open heart in a world where there is so much in conflict?
In last month’s column I described how I think UU live in the gray. That is a place of tension and it is not an easy place to reside. I do not think Unitarian Universalism is an easy religion. You have to find your own answers. No one gives them to you. You have to put effort into your personal theology. No one tells you what you must believe. In our case we ask only that you be in sympathy with our 7 Principles and even then you don’t have to agree with them, much less interpret them the same as someone else. You don’t have to think alike in order to love alike.
By the time this column comes out your Board will have had its first meeting of the church year. The Board members are: Chuck Samonsky(Vice-President), Vel Linden-Akseven (Secretary), Jim Waldron (Treasurer), Kassy Erickson, Mark Gale and Kim Prieto (Trustees at Large). Our Minister, Rev. Dana, will be joining the Board this month and I am certain she will be offering all manner of advice and counsel as she gets acquainted with us and the life that is the UUCV.
At the July Board meeting we spent our time doing ordinary things like getting organized for future meetings. We began scheduling the calendar, and we took a look at a list of the likely issues we will need to address for the year. Among those issues are the proposed remodeling of the playground, the policy on major maintenance, our minister’s installation, the search for a Director of Religious Education, the upcoming auction and fundraising in general, the need for a Personnel Committee, the potential of a Cluster Gathering and cooperative work with the Conejo and Santa Paula congregations, and the upcoming Task Group work.
Expect we will aim high, boldly, as is the style of this congregation. We will look to reach to that which is beyond our grasp. And should we end up somewhere short of our goals we will still have been successful because we will have built upon our relationships with each other. That is true for the Board, for our Committees and for each of us individually as we all work together to support our church. I believe building relationships of mutual understanding and caring with each other is the most important work we can do together. It is a process that takes time.
Living in Paradise, Bryan Buck, President