Settled Ministerial Search Committee Report – November
The Settled Minister Search Committee (SMSC) continues to meet regularly to plan our work and evaluate how the process is going. Thanks to all who participated in the focus groups and took the time to fill out the survey. The information gathered from both of them is an important part of our congregational “packet” that candidates will use to get a picture of who we are. Although the search committee itself may not fully represent the congregation demographically, it was selected by getting recommendations from as broad a spectrum of members and pledging friends as possible, and was finalized by a vote of the entire congregation.
The information gathered in the surveys and focus groups, along with the upcoming Beyond Categorical Thinking service and workshop, will help to broaden the committee’s perspective and ability to look at many points of view with regard to selecting our new minister. Next up on our calendar is the completion of the Congregational Record, which is a major part of our packet. This record includes congregational history, information on clergy and staff, budgeting, congregational life, lay leadership, committees, and more.