7PEAT News!
Thanks so much to our congregation for helping the 7th Principle Environmental Action Team (7PEAT) prioritize action areas for the coming year. Your sticki-notes and sign ups in August have now been tallied. Here are the ideas with the top level of response:
  • Commit2Respond Shift to a lower Carbon Footprint
Congregational Potlucks/Talks
Sign Ups: Gudrun Eastham, Julie Moore, Maura Raffensberger, Shelah Wilgus, Kappy Paulson, Pam Waldron, Teresa Zdanowich, Sue Brinkmeyer
  • Commit2Respond Advance Hands-on Work in our Wider Community
Biodiversity in the City and Citizen Science
Sign Ups: Kappy Paulson, Vanessa Frank, Mark Mendelsohn
  • Commit2Respond Grow the Climate Movement
Collaboration with Other Groups
Sign Ups: Gudrun Eastham, Maura Raffensberger, Donna Ingram, Teresa Zdanowich

We’ll share more information about these projects as the teams get going!
If you are interested in working on one of these environmental issues, come to our meetings, the first Sunday of the month at 11:30 in the Conference Room and jump in!
If you want to find out more, email Kitty Merrill at greenkitty@outlook.com, or talk to any of the team members.  
If you are feeling called by an issue that isn’t on our list, here are some options:


  • When Social Action’s Coordinating Committee has its focus group lunch on Nov. 13, come and talk up your area of interest. 
  • Gather a couple of allies, and come to the next 7PEAT meeting and we’ll add your project to our list.


  • Consider breaking it down into an individual event to show off the idea to others, and see if you can grow it from there.
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