(Nor like any you’ve ever attended)
Update: Registration starts Jan. 15!
Save the date for the Pacific Southwest District’s first-ever Justice District Assembly, March 31-April 2, 2017. Based in Tucson, Arizona, this justice district assembly will focus on border and migrant justice issues.
Following a plenary session in Tucson Friday evening, participants will have opportunities Saturday morning to fan out across southern Arizona for experiential activities led by several different groups working on justice issues in the region, including some cross-border activities.
This is part of our approach of partnering with others to work better, together. Saturday evening, participants will return to one of three different gathering locations for discussion and to share meals, which will be followed by a multisite video annual meeting led by yours truly.
Sunday morning, there will be a cross-border worship service to conclude the experience. The planners are hoping that participants will be inspired by what they have experienced and learned and take that inspiration back to their home communities for continued action. Check it out: http://justiceda2017.weebly.com/
by Jim Merrill