UU Ventura In-Person Service
Sunday, 10:00 am

5654 Ralston Street, Ventura, CA 93003

Masks are optional for services and other activities in the sanctuary.
Masking is still a welcome practice, and we will continue to provide masks to those who desire them. Masked individuals are free to sit throughout the sanctuary.
We do ask that people without masks leave the section of seats nearest the open windows available for individuals who will be more comfortable being among other masked worshipers.

Meeting ID: 919 9469 3437     Pass Code: 576710

Re-inhabiting the Church

RE-INHABITING THE CHURCH Dear Members and Friends, A few weeks ago, Rev. Dana and Yukio Okano shared the first in a series of Between Sundays posts about Re-Inhabiting the Church. Part one can be...

Between Sundays

We are a busy people, and we are lucky to have so many ways to be part of our church life. Sunday, May 26 following service, we'll have a Congregational Conversation about the budget for the coming church year. That...

Reflections On Equity

Gary Zinik   “Mom and Dad, there’s something I need to tell you, and you better sit down.” I was packing for a business trip and my thoughts were elsewhere when my 16 year-old son made this announcement. It was...


Have a “Joy or Sorrow” you would like read during our Sunday Service? Please submit by 8pm the Saturday before.



Lift Up Your Voice to End Homelessness is a call to serve our homeless neighbors and those at risk of experiencing homelessness, affirming the inherent worth and dignity of every person.  New Video interview with Rev. Dana>>



“We have enjoyed membership in the UUCV for the past 28 years.  It is the place that we call our spiritual home.  Among the 7 Principles of this church is the number one principle,“ The inherent worth and dignity of every person.” At this church all people and all religions are respected. We have truly felt comfortable and at home in this caring church environment.”
Duane and Sylvia Wikholm

“Different beliefs, one faith. I come here to find and grow my best self.”
Kitty Merrill

“I love the warmth and affirmations. I always leave feeling so grateful that I have found this magical gathering.”
Veronica Bear

“I love this church! Rev. Dana is awesome, everyone is warm and welcoming, and there are lots of activities to participate in every day of the week.”
Cassie Tondro

“I am happily, religiously unaffiliated and this is the community for me. Wonderful and wise people worth knowing.”
Kate Higgins

UU Church Seven Principles
UU Principles are not dogma, but rather guidelines for living:

  • 1. The inherent worth and dignity of every person
  • 2. Justice, equity and compassion in human relations
  • 3. Acceptance of one another and encouragement to spiritual growth in our congregations
  • 4. A free and responsible search for truth and meaning
  • 5. The right of conscience and the use of the democratic process within our congregations and in society at large
  • 6. The goal of world community with peace, liberty, and justice for all
  • 7. Respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part
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